Dear Friends,The final chord of the fall semester is fading and that means the 100th anniversary year of the Carnegie Mellon School of Music is almost over. It was a memorable year, and this past semester especially so.
Our students did themselves proud with a peck of terrific performances culminating in the traditional and always popular holiday concert conducted by Robert Page. His impending retirement at the end of the academic year made this Dr. Page's swan song, and a poignant and beautiful song it was. If you were unable to attend, you can get a taste of the concerts with this video.
To our students, for your achievements this past semester, my sincerest congratulations. To our faculty and staff, thank you sincerely for your amazing dedication and hard work.
To our alumni and friends, I hope you will agree that our current crop of students is not only holding up the traditions of the school, they are raising the bar (or, since this is Pittsburgh and we're in football season, they are moving the goalposts). If you are in a position to help our young musicians thrive, please consider making a tax-deductible gift to the school to support the acquisition of much-needed pianos, instruments, equipment, and scholarships. Thank you sincerely for any help you can give. For more information please visit the Ways to Give section of our website.
From everyone at the Carnegie Mellon School of Music to all of you, best wishes for the happiest of holiday seasons.
Denis Colwell
Head, School of Music