Carnegie Mellon University

Objectives and Procedure



The student will be able to look at a photograph of a property and a hypothetical list of contaminants found at the site and use the Guide to Brownfield Contaminants to determine the probable prior use of the land, and whether it should be considered a brownfield.


The student will be given potential brownfield picture cards or will look at the same photographs on a computer (PowerPoint file). Each card contains a hypothetical list of contaminants found on the property. The students will use the Guide to Brownfield Contaminants to determine the probable former use of the land.

The student is to record the number of the card in the first column and write the contaminants beside it in the second column. Then the student will use the picture card and the guide to brownfield contaminants to determine the most likely former use, which is to be written in the third column. Finally, the student will draw on this information to decide if the land should be considered a brownfield, and write the answer in the final column.

Students can complete a peer review of their work, and discuss problems or questions in a small group.