This webpage contains links to just a few of the many great internet resources used in SUCCEED. Please expand to access the links.
The Science
- Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- National Climate Assessment | US Global Change Research Program
- Reports on Special Issues | International Risk Governance Council (IRGC)
Adaptation (aka Hazard Mitigation)
- Adaptation | Resources for the Future (RFF)
- Adaptation | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
- Adaptation Clearinghouse | Georgetown Climate Center
- Adaptation Programs | California Climate Change
- Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange Network | Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE)
- Climate Change Adaptation Tools for Public Officials | US EPA
- CLARA: Climate Adaptation Resource for Advisors | UKCIP
- Climate Adaptation |California Resources Agency
- Climate Change Adaptation | Department of Natural Resources
- Climate Adaptation Resource Library
- Climate Change Adaptation Task Force | The White House
- Coastal Climate Adaptation | NOAA
- Free Climate Adaptation Resources| ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainable USA
- Georgetown Climate Center Adaptation Clearinghouse | Georgetown Climate Center
- Impacts & Adaptation | Climate Change | US EPA
- National Adaptation Forum Conference 2013 | National Adaptation Forum
- Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources
- Vulnerability and Adaptation | World Resources Institute
- Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research
Carbon Footprint
- Carbon Emissions Calculator | Lehigh University
- Carbon Footprint and LCA | Empreinte Carbone Quebec
- Ecological Footprint Quiz | Center for Sustainable Economy
- Ecological Footprint Quiz | Earth Day Network
- How big is your Ecological Footprint? | Ecological Footprint
- Kids Carbon Footprint Calculator | Cool the World
- Quantifying the global and distributional aspects of American household carbon footprint | Weber & Matthews
- The Carbon Cycle | NASA Earth Observatory
- Climate Change Indicators in the United States | Environmental Protection Agency
- | NOAA
- The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale | Yale
- Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data | United States Environmental Protection Agency
- The Greenhouse Effect and the Bathtub Effect | Dot Earth
- Greenhouse gases and the Keeling Curve | Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- Greenhouse Gases: A Student’s Guide to Climate Change | United States Environmental Protection Agency
- MIT’s Greenhouse Gas Simulator | NOAA
- National Geographic (2009): The Big Idea: The Carbon Bathtub
- Ocean Acidification | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
- Ocean Acidification | National Geographic
- Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem. | Natural Resources Defense Council
- What is Ocean Acidification | PMEL Carbon Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- About Solar Energy | Mass.Gov Energy and Environmental Affairs
- Ask An Engineer – How does a battery work? | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Base concepts of methane and other hydrocarbons | Youtube
- Batteries | Department of Energy (DOE)
- Batteries: Electricity through chemical reactions | UC Davis
- Build a turbine experiment | Youtube
- Confronting Climate Change | Union of Concerned Scientists
- Electric Power | Georgia State University
- Electrified Vehicles | Carnegie Mellon University
- Energy Kids | Energy Information Administration (EIA)
- Energy Kids: Hydropower | Energy Information Administration
- Energy Labels Increase Demand for Compact Fluorescent Bulbs: Analyzing Consumer Preferences for Lighting Technologies Using Discrete Choice Analysis | Min et al., CMU
- Energy Storage – Batteries | National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Home Energy Audits: Making Homes More Energy Efficient and Comfortable | Department of Energy (DOE)
- How do batteries work? | Northwestern University
- How Do Wind Turbines Work? | Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE EERE)
- How Does Nuclear Energy Work? | Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC)
- How much electricity does an American home use? | U.S. Energy Information Administration
- How natural gas is extracted from shale | Youtube
- Hydroelectricity | US Environmental Protection Agency
- Hydroelectricity Energy Basics | Department of Energy
- Learning - Biomass Energy | National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Learning – Geothermal Energy | National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Managing Variable Energy Resources to Increase | Carnegie Mellon University
- Marcellus Shale Gas Play, Appalachian Basin | US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
- Natural Gas | US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Ocean Wave Energy | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Office of Nuclear Energy | Department of Energy (DOE)
- Physics 101 – what is the difference between power and energy? | Solar Choice
- Power Plants in the US | Energy Information Administration (EIA)
- Power Your City | CityVille
- Practitioner Resources | National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- Renewable Energy | Environmental Protection Agency
- Renewable Energy Activities - Choices for Tomorrow | National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Review of Emerging Resources: US Shale Gas and Shale Oil Plays | US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
- Study of Hydraulic Fracturing and Its Potential Impact on Drinking Water Resources | US Environmental Protection Agency
- Vehicle Technologies Office | Department of Energy
Life Cycle Assessment
- The Benefits of Life Cycle Analysis | Elisabeth Comere
- How a toaster works | Youtube
- How a hair dryer is made | Youtube
- How a remote control is made | Youtube
- How a book is made | Youtube
- How a kindle is made | Youtube
- Life Cycle Analysis of Cotton | Cotton Natural
- Life Cycle Assessment | Quantis: Sustainability Counts
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) | US Environmental Protection Agency
- Life Cycle Assessment Harmonization | National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- The Life Cycle of a CD or DVD | US Environmental Protection Agency
- Life Cycle of a Jean | Levi Strauss
- MSU Life Cycle Analysis Powerpoint | Susan Selke