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The Piper
› April
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Gelfand Center Honors Students for Their Educational Outreach
Cathy Fang, Harlene Samra, Shannon Werntz and Sarah Yu have dedicated their time and expertise to make a difference in the lives of children in the community and around the world.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Danner Builds Connections at Neuroscience Institute
A big part of Christi Danner’s job is being social. Today, it’s being social at a distance.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
News Briefs
Children's School Shares Resources for At-Home Learning; Cyert Center Keeps Families Connected; Libraries Continue to Help with Resources; and more.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Personal Mention
This week's newsmakers are Nico Slate, Jessica Hammer and Mabel Bartlett.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Benefits of Gratitude
For Nora Tallmon, CMU's weekly gratitude session supports her lifelong practice of being intentionally grateful on a daily basis and fuels her positive attitude.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Zhang Reflects on CMU, Build Week’s Peaceful Chaos and Giving Back
Senior Ivan Zhang takes pride in being an active member of the campus community.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Waddell Helps CMU Zoom to Online Learning
Stan Waddell knows what teamwork, collaboration and, of course, technology can do.
Monday, April 27, 2020
CMU Celebrates its Best Teachers, Advisers and Mentors
Carnegie Mellon annually honors its distinguished educators for their exceptional contributions with its Celebration of Education Awards.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Cyert Center Keeping Families Connected
The Cyert Center for Early Education is helping parents manage the stress and chaos of the pandemic with a virtual curriculum for its 187 children.
University Health Services: Telehealth, Public Health Recommendations and Stopping the Spread of Coronavirus
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
University Health Services: Telehealth, Public Health Recommendations and Stopping the Spread of Coronavirus
CMU and University Health Services have adopted the practice of telehealth care.
News Briefs
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
News Briefs
Four earn Goldwater Scholarships; Gelfand Center Pivots to Support Parents, Prospective Students; Meet with the Provost Tuesday; Read the Dietrich College Diaries; and more.
Personal Mention
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Personal Mention
This week's newsmakers are Henny Admoni, Carmel Majidi, Ryan Sullivan and Anne Lambright.
Mendelson Magnifies Relevance of Sustainable Development
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Mendelson Magnifies Relevance of Sustainable Development
As we start to think about what life will look like post-pandemic, Sarah Mendelson, head of the Heinz College in Washington, D.C., sees enormous opportunities in terms of shifts in public policy.
News Briefs
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
News Briefs
Wenner Creates Virtual Tip Jar; Say "Thank You" to CMU's Custodial Staff; Play-in-Place Series Features Student Musicians; and more.
Personal Mention
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Personal Mention
This week's newsmakers are Jian Ma, Anna Siefken, Lauren Grubbs and Rachel Hanes.
Enjoy a Mindful, Virtual Spring Carnival Weekend
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Enjoy a Mindful, Virtual Spring Carnival Weekend
Tending to our mental health and wellness should be top of mind for all of us, and part of that is finding ways to honor the traditions that bring the community together, like Spring Carnival.
Yerzhanova Aims to Keep Carnival Spirit Alive
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Yerzhanova Aims to Keep Carnival Spirit Alive
Renata Yerzhanova and fellow Spring Carnival Committee have put together a virtual carnival experience that will offer many ways to get involved remotely.
Stitching Together Help for Essential Staff
Friday, April 10, 2020
Stitching Together Help for Essential Staff
In a crisis, Mr. Rogers said to always look for the helpers. You can find them at Carnegie Mellon University.
Weathering the Storm with Headspace
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
Weathering the Storm with Headspace
In a world filled with uncertainties, one thing is for sure: Headspace is there for you.
News Briefs
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
News Briefs
Alumna Forms Operation Face Mask Pittsburgh; Emergency Fund to Assist Students; Grad Student Week Puts Spotlight on Adams, Aggarwal; and more.
Personal Mention
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
Personal Mention
This week's newsmakers are Po-Shen Loh, Rebecca Taylor, Kate Whitefoot and Ryan Tibshirani.
Scattered Thoughts
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
Scattered Thoughts
Senior Rie Ohta shares her thoughts and experiences with hopes her story can help keep the CMU community together.
Grad Student Week Puts Spotlight on Adams, Aggarwal
Tuesday, April 07, 2020
Grad Student Week Puts Spotlight on Adams, Aggarwal
Carnegie Mellon has named Alexis Adams and Surya Aggarwal as this year’s Graduate Student Teaching and Graduate Student Service Award winners, respectively.
Stay Home, Stay Fit
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
Stay Home, Stay Fit
Pattye Stragar and her fellow fitness gurus at CMU are making it easy for us to stay fit despite our inability to get to the gym.
Working at Wellness as a Grad Student
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
Working at Wellness as a Grad Student
In times like these, graduate students need their institution more than ever.
Farrell to Compete in Jeopardy College Championship
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
Farrell to Compete in Jeopardy College Championship
Emma Farrell will compete in the first round of the Jeopardy! College Championship this Monday, April 6.
Dasey-Morales Considers Community Health Her Calling
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
Dasey-Morales Considers Community Health Her Calling
Maureen Dasey-Morales is a firm believer in the potential for positive change.
News Briefs
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
News Briefs
More Zoom Backgrounds from M&C; Gelfand Center Seeks Student Nominees; Who's New at CMU?; and more.
Personal Mention
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
Personal Mention
This week's newsmakers are Sevin Yeltekin, Kristen Kurland and Rashmi Vinayak.
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