Carnegie Mellon University

Biomedical Engineering Focus Areas

These materials provide more detailed information about biomedical engineering focus areas that are researched at Carnegie Mellon and can be used alone or with the BME Intro module that is also available. 

Slides are available as a ppt file and as a pdf file.  Note that the ppt file is large so it will download when you click on it.  You can explore the pdf version online prior to downloading the larger file.

NOTE: There is A LOT of information included for each focus area.  The Slide Guide provides a script and links that can be used to learn more about the topics that are featured.  Teachers will probably want to use the slides over several days to allow time for discussion about the information that is presented.

Educational materials created by Olivia Olshevski, '21 Masters in Biomedical Engineering and Renee Morton '20 Masters in Biomedical Engineering. 

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