Carnegie Mellon University

H-1B Workers

There are eight subcategories of the H status meant for the temporary employment of foreign nationals by a specific employer. The H-1B category is for individuals who will perform services in a "specialty occupation." This is the H category most frequently used by students who graduate from Carnegie Mellon and by qualified international persons who work at Carnegie Mellon.

A "specialty occupation" is a position that requires at least a bachelor's degree in a specific field as a minimum entry-level requirement. Further, the individual who will be employed must have the minimum degree required for the position and any relevant licensure. 

The employer is the petitioner to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), not the individual. In effect, the employer requests permission from USCIS to hire a specific individual (or individuals), for a specific job, at a specific salary. An individual may not self-petition. The H-1B application is submitted to one of four regional USCIS Service Centers with jurisdiction over the employer's location (unless the employee is permanently located at a different site.

For employment at Carnegie Mellon, OIE prepares and submits the H-1B application for most departments on campus with the exception of Computer Science, Robotics, Software Engineering Institute, Tepper School, and others on a case-by-case basis. OIE staff work with a Foreign Scholar Coordinator in each department The coordinator in the department is responsible for
gathering all relevant materials and for submitting a complete H-1B packet to OIE.

View Application Process Details

Additional Instructions & Details

Conditions & Limitations

Learn more about the Six-Year-Limit, Home Residency Requirement, Travel, Consular Processing, etc. 

Application Costs & Fees

Learn more about the cost and fees associated with H-1B workers. Fees are to be paid by the employer, not the H-1B worker. 

Maintaining Status

Learn about the H-1B "grace period" and "dual intent." 

OIE Services

Checking in with OIE

New H-1B employees are encouraged to attend OIE's weekly new scholar orientation sessions held each week on Thursdays from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Contact OIE for more information or to schedule attendance at an upcoming orientation. Bring your passport, I-94 and H1B Approval Notice to the orientation.

For employees who have been in the U.S. for a long time, an individual meeting with a Foreign Scholar Coordinator in your academic department is an alternative to the orientation meeting. 

Other OIE Services

An OIE Foreign Scholar Advisor is available to assist H-1B employees with issues related to non-immigrant documents and status, cultural adjustment, and practical matters. Contact OIE directly or schedule an appointment online. We encourage all H-1B employees to visit with OIE shortly after their arrival by either attending orientation or scheduling an individual appointment with an advisor.