Carnegie Mellon University

J-1 Scholar Employment Issues

Work eligibility other than employment listed on the DS-2019 (if any) is minimal. Visiting faculty or researchers in J-1 status who consider any employment (i.e., a paid speaker position, consulting, or on-campus employment not already listed on the DS-2019) should speak to your OIE advisor in advance of the planned engagement or work to determine if the employment is allowable.

On-Campus Employment

On-campus employment is allowed only in the department or field listed on the DS-2019 document and only if the DS-2019 notes that the program sponsor, Carnegie Mellon, provides financial support. You would have limited options if on-campus employment was not initially written into your DS-2019. In many cases, work cannot be added later to the J program activities. You should make an appointment to discuss your specific situation with your OIE advisor.

Incidental Employment

Short-term employment is referred to as "incidental employment" and may be allowed in a limited way in very specific circumstances with approval from your OIE advisor. You may also participate in "occasional lectures and short-term consultations" if authorized in advance by your program sponsor. 

Incidental Employment Authorization may be required even for reimbursement of expenses. The scholar must check with OIE before accepting any off-campus activity that involves work, reimbursement, or payment.

If CMU issues your visa documents, OIE is the program sponsor that authorizes incidental employment. Our office will need to approve the incidental employment and document it on your DS-2019 and the SEVIS database. For OIE to approve this employment, the employment needs to meet specific criteria:

  • Be short-term or occasional (i.e., a lecture).
  • Be directly related to the objectives of the exchange program.
  • Be incidental to the primary program activities.
  • Not delay the completion date of the scholar's program.

To request OIE permission to accept incidental employment, your CMU department supervisor and prospective employer/host institution will each need to write a letter to OIE outlining specific details.

The letter from your CMU departmental sponsor (department head or supervisor) needs to outline:

  1. An explanation of how this incidental employment would enhance the exchange visitor's program.
  2. Confirm:
    1. The dates of the incidental employment.
    2. Type of activity.
    3. Location of employment (city and state).

The letter from the prospective employer/host institution needs to outline the terms and conditions of the offer to lecture or consult, including:

  1. The duration (start and end date).
  2. The address of the activity (street address, city, state, zip code).
  3. The number of hours projected.
  4. The field or subject.
  5. The amount of compensation.
  6. A description of your activity.

Once these letters are received by OIE and approved, an OIE advisor will update your SEVIS record and provide a letter to you authorizing the off-campus activity.