Leaving CMU?
Before you embark on your next journey, make sure that you review this page thoroughly to learn more about access to services, your insurance plan and requesting your medical records.
Graduating Students
If you graduate in May, you can be seen at Health Services for two weeks following your graduation date. If you graduate in December, you can be seen at Health Services up until our winter holiday closure.
If you are in Pittsburgh after that time and need services, we can help you find local providers for your health care needs.
If you are enrolled in the CMU student health insurance plan:
You have that coverage until July 31. This is a national plan and can be used in any state at any facility that accepts the insurance plan.
If you have an offer for employer-sponsored medical insurance, you are not required to cancel the CMU student medical insurance plan. You have the option to tell your employer that you have medical insurance in effect through July 31. The employer can then help you enroll in their plan effective August 1 because you would then have a loss of coverage (which is considered a qualifying life event for enrollment into a medical insurance plan outside of that plan's Open Enrollment period).
We strongly recommend comparing the student insurance plan with the one being offered by the employer. Pay close attention to not only the premiums, but deductible of the plans, co-pays, co-insurance, and the list of benefits offered.
Leave of Absence or Withdrawal
If you are taking a leave or planning to withdraw, you can be seen at Health Services up until the date that your leave becomes effective. If you are in Pittsburgh after that time and need services, we can help you find local providers for your health care needs.
If you purchased the CMU student health insurance plan, you will have that coverage until July 31, as long as you were an actively enrolled student for at least the first 31 days from the first day of classes. This is a national plan and can be used with any health care provider/facility that accepts the plan.
You must be an actively enrolled student for at least the first 31 days from the start date of classes to remain enrolled in the CMU SHIP. If you separate from the university before completing the first 31 days of classes, the insurance plan/s you enrolled in will be canceled, effective the first day of the month following your separation date (or retroactively to August 1 if you request this). If you leave after 31 days, you can choose to keep the policy you purchased through July 31 or cancel the policy and obtain a prorated refund.