Robot Science featuring Data Logging
Use LEGO® Robots to teach scientific principles around speed, heat, sound, and color. Students will design and develop robotic prototypes that will use powerful features built into the NXT to collect data and report it back in the form of graphs and tables. Students will use this data to form conclusions that cement their understanding of these important and technological concepts. The culminating engineering activity is a robot bridge inspection project.
This teaching tool features five standards-based science and technology projects designed to teach scientific methodology and engineering process as students use sensors to measure speed, heat, light, and sound.
Key Educational Outcomes
Math: Data and Graphs, Linear Relationships, Using Data, Spatial Reasoning, Slope-Intercept Form, Math & Science Technology, Computerized Data Logging, Purpose of Technology, Technological Design, Sensor Mechanisms, Technology & Science
Science: Nature of Inquiry, Hypothesis & Evidence, Experimental Design, Observations & Predictions, Data Collection & Predictions, Measurement, Amplitude and Frequency, Light and Reflectivity, Color and Perception, Heat Transfer, Speed, Distance & Power
Communication: Reasoning with Evidence, Explanation and Argumentation, Scientific Discussion and Discourse, Documenting Processes
Classroom Requirement
One LEGO® MINDSTORMS NXT Education Kit and one computer for every group of 2-4 students. Each computer should have access to this curriculum and LEGO Mindstorms Education NXT 2.0 software.
Teacher's Guide
Includes extensive teacher tools such as notes, lesson plans, presentations, student worksheets, rubrics, evaluation guides, quizzes and answer keys for all topics covered. All lesson concepts and skills are mapped to national standards for mathematics, science, and technology to support STEM standards. Prior experience teaching robotics or programming not required or assumed.