Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy

Use educational affordances of robotics to create CS-STEM opportunities for all learners


Mechanical Foundations with REV DUO Anytime Online Training

Enjoy the convenience of taking Robotics Academy courses from anywhere in the world and at your own pace, with support and guidance from our highly qualified instructors. Anytime Online classes feature a hybrid learning model where participants receive just-in-time instructional videos as they work through course content in our learning management system. 

In this training, you will learn how to teach the mechanical competencies real-world robotics technicians use every day. Tuition includes online access to CS2N and Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy Training Materials. To follow along with this course, you will need access to a REV DUO FTC Starter Kit and some inexpensive classroom materials (not included with tuition). 

Mechanical Foundations focuses on mechanical concepts such as structural design, weight distribution, drivetrains, fastening, the relationship between speed and torque, and alternate methods of transferring motion such as linear slides and belts and pulleys. The Mechanical Foundations curriculum familiarizes students with the foundational skills needed to understand how components come together and different use cases for creating motion. It is part of the Smart Manufacturing and Advanced Robotics Training (SMART) Project, originally funded by the ARM Institute. Please see Robotics Technician Curricula for more information.

FTC Mentors and Coaches are welcome to enroll and will benefit from a deeper understanding of the robot hardware, engineering, and troubleshooting techniques we focus on. 


Unit 1: Strength, Stability, and Balance

This unit introduces how to create simple, durable structural foundations essential for any robotics system. We begin by identifying important parts, tools, and procedures, and by creating examples of some simple structures. As the unit project, you will create a reinforced crane to demonstrate your understanding of simple structural design.
Unit 2: Transmissions and Mechanical Advantage

Transmissions work alongside motors to allow systems to deliver increased Torque or Speed. In this unit, we explore several approaches to create Mechanical Advantage. As the unit project, you will develop an arm for the crane which must be able to move a heavy load. 
Unit 3: Drivetrains

Choosing an appropriate drivetrain depends on the task that the robot needs to accomplish. The most basic drivetrain for a robot usually consists of a chassis, motors that are attached to the chassis, and wheels that are attached to the motor. In this unit, you will build several different examples of drivetrains. As the unit project, you will design a custom drivetrain that can climb obstacles. 

The following is required to complete this course:

REV DUO Hardware – Sold Separately

  • We recommend the REV DUO FTC Starter Kit as the base kit for the course. Substitutions are permitted as long as builds reflect the intended learning goals.
  • The full set of recommended robot hardware is maintained in this sheet.


Computer System Requirements

  • Windows® 7, 8, 10 or later / Mac® OSX 10.8 or later
  • Modern Web Browser and PDF Viewer
  • At least one available USB port
  • Broadband Internet connection

Additional Materials

  • Binders
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Index Cards
  • Rope/String
  • Weights
  • Construction Paper

Tuition Cost - $399

Use the links to the top-right to register or checkout instantly. 

Upon Completion

  • 36 ACT 48 credits for Pennsylvania teachers
  • Opportunity to earn a Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy Certification stating 36 hours of professional development