Carnegie Mellon University
March 04, 2021

Optional Practical Training (OPT) Announcement: OPT Canvas Course Release

In order to better meet student needs, we have created a canvas course dedicated to Optional Practical Training (OPT) that will replace our mandatory live information sessions and will be accessible throughout the duration of the semester for students to use as a reference. The OPT canvas course can be completed at a student's own pace and will better accommodate student schedules as it can be accessed at any time in the semester.

Students who plan to apply for OPT this semester but who have not attended a previously held live information session will be required to self-enroll in the canvas course and pass the mandatory quiz as part of their OPT request process. If a student has already attended an OPT information session and/or applied for OPT, the canvas requirement does not apply to them. However, these students are welcome to self-enroll in the course to use the content as a resource.

Students who plan to apply for OPT can self-enroll by searching in the CMU Public Course Index. In the "Courses" section of your canvas, click "All Courses" and then "Browse more courses." Search for "S21 OIE Optional Practical Training (OPT) Overview" and click "Join this course."