Carnegie Mellon University

State Department Updates

July 21, 2020

The U.S. State Department recently announced several changes which impact Carnegie Mellon travelers.

On July 14th, the State Department announced a phased resumption of visa services.  Visa applications and appointments are becoming available in some posts.  Visa appointment availability varies and is not currently available at all posts.  Consulates do seem to be looking for some indication that students will be taking in person classes in the fall in order to complete the visa application process.  OIE has outreached to SEVP and the State Department for clarification.

On July 15th, the State Department announced changes to travel restrictions from Ireland, the Schengen area of Europe and the United Kingdom.  While the Presidential Proclamations remain in effect, F-1 students now have a National Interest Exception and are allowed to travel to the U.S. from these countries.  Additional exceptions were announced on July 16th.

Websites of the Embassies and Consulates usually have the most current information so if you are traveling, make sure to regularly consult the website of the U.S. Embassy/Consulatin the country of your residence.