Carnegie Mellon University
March 12, 2020

OIE Launches E-Learning Course for Curricular Practical Training

OIE has launched an e-learning course for Curricular Practical Training (CPT). Historically, we have required students to attend an in-person CPT presentation before applying for CPT work authorization. Moving forward, the e-learning course will replace all in-person sessions.

Current students can access the course through the new OIE E-Learning Course page using their Andrew UserID credentials. Students will need to complete the course, which includes a quiz, before applying for CPT.

The earliest date to apply for CPT is March 18, which coincides with the first day of summer registration.

Students who previously attended an in-person session are not required to complete the e-learning course. Past attendance will be verified when we review the CPT request e-form submission.

As a reminder, all requests for CPT must be submitted through the MyOIE portal.

Additional information about the various types of employment authorization, including CPT, can be found on the OIE website.