Carnegie Mellon University

Contact Us

Have any questions or suggestions for future events?  Contact us at!

Get Involved

Applications for SAC membership are distributed at the end of September.  Stay tuned for more information!


We greatly appreciate your support of the MCS community!

Mission Statement

The Mellon College of Science Student Advisory Council (MCS SAC) is a student-run organization that serves to foster stronger connections between students and faculty and to improve the MCS experience for students. In the next few years, we plan to create more opportunities for MCS to get involved in the community while also having a bigger presence on campus.

MCS SAC is comprised of the following committees:

  • SOCIAL:  Provide activities to bolster MCS pride and sense of community.  Example activities include mentor/mentee program, get to know the faculty, host a walk-by breakfast for MCS students.
  • DIALOGUE/DISCUSSION:  Raise awareness to issues and events on campus related to the sciences and MCS; liaison for MCS SAC and student body.  Example activities include panels/forums from alumni/graduate students/professors, maintaining the website.
  • CIVIC ENGAGEMENT:  Provide volunteer activities and initiatives that engage students in local Pittsburgh nonprofits.  Example activities include Pittsburgh Beautification Saturdays, co-sponsoring an event with SLICE.

Check out some of our past events:

  • MCS Pride Day:  Annually, we host MCS Pride Day, a day to celebrate the MCS community.  The event consists of free BBQ food, liquid nitrogen ice cream, free t-shirts, tie-dye, music, rocket launches, and more!  Come hang out with your MCS faculty, staff, and fellow students to share your MCS pride!
  • MCS Ball:  MCS faculty, staff, and students get together in the spring for the biggest semi-formal MCS event.  Held at a formal ballroom, the MCS Ball features dinner, a photo booth, dancefloor, and DJ.  Past themes have included Casino Night, The 80's, a Night Under the Stars, and An Enchanted Forest.
  • Community Service:  in 2018, we collected and donated over 100 reading and educational materials to Book'Em, a non-profit organization that sends these materials to prisoners across Pennsylvania.