Registration Information by College
The university offers placement exams for certain subject areas. Check with your academic advisor to determine if placement exams are required or recommended to inform your academic registration.
- Late May: BXA students receive an initial welcome email with program information, timeline and next steps for enrollment.
- Early June: Students are enrolled in BXA Seminar I Canvas site with information about fall schedule planning,First-Year Writing (FYW) options, placement testing for Science, English, and CS, and AP/IB/Cambridge/transfer credit. Students can begin booking virtual advising appointments with the BXA first-year advisor to build a fall schedule plan and go over credit.
- Early July: All BXA students are pre-registered in advance for their schedules due to complex requirements that combine CFA studios and academic general education coursework. Students will discuss their preferences (where relevant) with their BXA advisor and will select a first-year writing (FYW) pathway and course topic. Schedules can be adjusted throughout the summer and into Orientation week. Students can complete CS placement tests and apply for advanced FYW.
- July-August: Students will recieve information from their CFA advisors regarding placement testing (Music) and material requirements. Students should complete submission of AP/IB/Cambridge scores and other credit.
- Early August: Students will receive BXA First-Year Orientation programming information.
- First-Year Orientation: BXA music students will take placement tests for Harmony and Solfege. Optional placement tests for math, biology and computer science will continue. BXA will hold drop-in schedule advising during the week.
- Students with questions can email Dr. Carrie Hagan, BXA associate director and first-year advisor. Please hold registration questions until after June 1.
- Early June: Initial outreach and welcome letter.
- July 1: Students will be enrolled in an engineering Canvas course that contains important information about placement tests, AP/IB credit and course registration. Your first-year academic advisor will contact you via email to discuss registration, timelines and other steps you need to complete prior to coming to campus.
- Mid-July: Students submit a draft of proposed class schedule for approval.
- Late July: Students enroll themselves in classes using our online registration system.
- Orientation Week: Optional math placement exams are available (if eligible); resolve any scheduling issues in person with advisor.
- Students with questions can email the College of Engineering or call 412-268-2479.
- Students will receive a welcome message and general information about the School of Architecture (SoA) by mid-June. At that time, students will be invited to join the Incoming First-Year Student SoA Canvas site.
- Students will receive information via Canvas about placement exams that are conducted in June/early July. Students who speak English as a second language are required to take the online English Placement test.
- On the Canvas site, students will receive as list of tools needed to start their first year in the SoA, computer requirements, and details about joining student organizations in the SoA.
- All first-year architecture students will be registered by mid-July for their required courses by their School of Architecture academic advisor.
- Students may email Heather Workinger Midgley, senior academic advisor, with questions.
- First-year students will receive a welcome message and preliminary information about the School of Art in June. They will also receive an invitation to the School of Art First-Year Resources Canvas site.
- The Canvas site will be the primary means of accessing information required courses and registration, placement exams, the required English placement test for students who speak English as a second language, and more.
- Art students are pre-registered for the majority of their courses for their first semester, but will select their section of First-Year Writing in July. The remainder of student schedules will be planned around this selection.
- Students can check their schedules through Student Information Online (SIO) in mid-August and will receive a copy of their final schedule during First-Year Orientation.
- Students with questions may email Mark Cato or call 412-268-1531.
- Upon acceptance, all first-year Design students are encouraged to join the Facebook group called “CMU Design Class of 2028.”
- By early June, Melissa Cicozi, design academic advisor, will email all first-year students via their CMU email addresses.
- Throughout the summer, students will receive important course registration information and supply lists via Canvas.
- Design students share a similar first semester and are pre-registered for all of their courses.
- Students with questions are encouraged to Jamie Kosnosky,
- Mid-June: Students will receive a welcome message and general information about the School of Drama.
- Early July: First semester School of Drama students have a set cirriculum and are pre-registered for most classes. Acting, Dramaturgy, and Design & Production students will select topics for their First-Year Writing course.
- Late July and Early August: Students will be able to view their schedules through the SIO website.
- Week prior to First-Year Orientation: Students will receive an email with Orientation information for Drama students.
- Students with questions may email Dr. Valeria McCrary.
- Students are emailed enrollment information by the first week of June.
- Students will send special requests for courses electronically by the first week of July.
- Students will be registered for most of their courses by the School of Music by the first week of August.
- In August, students will take placement exams in Harmony and Solfege and they will be registered for the rest of their courses.
- During First-Year Orientation Week, students can review their schedule on Student Information Online (SIO).
- By August 15, if a student is not registered for any courses, please email Sharon Johnston or call 412-268-2385.
- In early June, students will receive a welcome email in their CMU email account from their academic advisor. The email will contain instructions for completing an incoming student questionaire and an invitation to the Dietrich First-Year Navigator: Class of 2028+, a Canvas course that will introduce important information about academic advising, planning a first semester schedule, how to register for classes, and much more.
- Students will be prompted to schedule a group advising appointment with their academic advisor in the First-Year Navigator. This is a virtual meeting, held via Zoom, and students will have the opportunity to meet other incoming Dietrich students, get to know their advisor, and prepare for course registration.
- During the summer, a variety of placement exams are held. Students wishing to continue language study must take the approporite online placement exam through Languages, Cultures, and Applied Linguistics. Likewise, students who speak English as a second language will complete an online English placement exam. Information about these and other placement exams, including Calculus and Computer Science, are available in the Navigator and on our website.
- Students must complete a planned schedule by Monday, July 15. Their academic advisor will review it and offer feedback. Students are encouraged to complete a planned schedule sooner if possible.
- On Wednesday, July 24, students will register themselves for fall courses after receiving guidance from the academic advisor.
- Early June: Students receive a welcome message about how to access online course registration materials through Canvas. These messages are sent via CMU email.
- Throughout June and July: Students should review Canvas content regarding fall registration and departments in MCS. After reviewing this material, students should consult with their academic advisor (via phone or video chat) to discuss their backgrounds, interests, and general plan for a fall schedule. Students should plan to talk with their advisor prior to registering for fall courses.
- June and July: Students who speak English as a second language are required to take the online English Placement exam. Prospective math majors should also plan to complete an online math preparation course. All eligible incoming students can opt to take the computer science and/or biology placement exams starting in early July.
- Late July: After receiving advisor approval, students should register themselves for classes.
- Students with questions can contact us via email or call 412-268-6679.
- During First-Year Orientation Week: Students will meet with academic advisors, faculty and upper-class MCS students and be welcomed into the MCS undergraduate community. Students can also meet with their advisor to discuss scheduling concerns. All incoming students can opt to take calculus, advanced math, and/or physics placement exams (if eligible). These exams will not be available before Orientation week.
- Tom Cortina, the SCS associate dean for Undergraduate Programs, and Veronica Peet, assistant dean for Undergraduate Experience, will contact students via email in late May.
- Many documents, forms, placement tests and important information will be provided incrementally throughout the summer months.
- During June and July, SCS students will take several placement tests and surveys. Once completed, SCS students will discuss their fall semester registration with Veronica Peet. As their schedules are approved, students register for courses by themselves in late July. Registration should be completed by early August.
- Reviews and changes to schedules will be done through the month of August and during First-Year Orientation week.
- For more information, email the SCS advising staff.
- First-year business administration students will receive access to the Class of 2028+ website in early June; the website will prepare students for the fall semester and academic plans.
- Beginning in June and throughout the summer, students will interact with academic advisors, engage with new classmates, take course placement exams, and more through the website and other virtual outlets.
- Students will register for classes in late July.
- During First-Year Orientation week, students will meet with academic advisors, attend group sessions and be welcomed into the Tepper undergraduate community.
Students should consult the Class of 2028+ website and can email the Tepper School as needed.