Carnegie Mellon University

CoE & SCS Masters Internships

This dashboard compiles data on summer internships, including employers, job titles, pay, location, and offer dates, as reported by Carnegie Mellon Masters-level students in the College of Engineering (CoE), the School of Computer Science (SCS), the Integrated Innovation Institute (III), and at the Silicon Valley (CMU-SV) campus. 

Each year, from April to September, the CPDC administers the Graduate Internship and Summer Experience survey to all CoE and SCS Masters-level students to collect information regarding students’ experiences during the summer.

Students that reported internships are included in the figures below. The survey only represents a fraction of the graduate student body and the actual number of students engaged in internship and other experiences is anticipated to surpass the reported figures, underscoring the broader impact and significance of experiences within the the academic programs.

How to Use:

Narrow the scope to specific academic college, department and majors for relevant information:

1. Click the desired filter
2. Unselect "All"
3. Select the desired academic value,
4. Click "apply"

*It is recommended to start with the "Department" filter. When filtering, only relevant values are shown. By default, academic filters are set to ALL.
Find more information by hovering over elements on the charts.

The Internship Location chart displays employers within the selected state.

Offer Received charts display counts and percentages within the bars.
Find more information in the Top Employer and Top Titles charts by using the scroll bar to scroll down.

You can also zoom in and out of the map by using th "+" and " - " buttons that appear on when hovering or s

Additional Notes:

  • Dual degree ETIM students are reported within ETIM (Engineering Technology Innovation Management).
  • The Integrated Innovation Institute's academic college classification is "Carnegie Mellon University".
  • "Advanced Study" and "Applied" degree classifications are aggregated with their standard program and are not filterable.
  • When the number of reported internships is less than two, all charts are hidden. When the number of reported pay is less than five, the Internship Pay chart is hidden.

If you have any questions about this dashboard, email