Social Event Registration
The Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students is responsible for the registration and approval of all University social activities where alcohol is being served. University social activities are any social activities on University property or for which University funds or other University resources are used. Please review the complete university policy governing social activities with alcohol prior to submitting the registration form.
To register your event, please complete the Alcohol Event Registration form no later than 72 hours (3 business days) prior to your event. Click here to complete the Alcohol Event Registration form.
In order to ensure a safe event and uphold university policy, observe the following protocols when hosting social events with alcohol:
- Serve alcoholic beverages only to persons over the age of 21.
- Mark underage guests with non-removable identification. Hosts or catering proxy must conduct an ID check to verify legal drinking age.
- Include non-alcoholic beverages for your guests.
- Limit the availability of alcohol based on the number of people attending your function, its duration and the number of people drinking non-alcoholic beverages. Guidance for effective social hosting is one drink per person per hour.
- Designate one or more individuals to serve all alcoholic beverages, and do not permit guests to serve themselves.
- Provide a variety of food for your guests and make an effort to avoid serving particularly salty foods.
- Monitor the behavior of your guests and ensure that if anyone appears intoxicated, they are not served any further alcoholic beverages and they are not permitted to drive.
Security Guidelines:
- University Police personnel are required for:
- any events on campus with undergraduates under 21
- any event on campus with over 100 guests
To request security for your event, please complete an Event Security Request form which can be found on the University Police website.
- Event rooms must be private or semi-private to ensure guest safety. Privacy is determined by the ability to control access to the area of the social activity and limit attendance to invited guests only.