Study Abroad Resource Guide
We have a wealth of information available on our website and through our CMU Study Abroad Portal. The presentation we provide at our Pre-Departure Orientations (which each student going abroad must attend) is also available for students as a reference via email and through their CMU Study Abroad Portal profile.
The following information is included in our Pre-Departure Orientation and through individual meetings and resources provided by OIE:
- Administrative Procedures: Registration & Documentation, Medical Insurance
- Finances: Study Abroad Financial Aid Policies, Handling Money While Abroad, Extra Expenses
- Travel: Flight Arrangements, Travel While Abroad, Other Travel Resources, Hostels, Packing Tips and Suggestions
- Communication: By Text, WhatsApp, E-mail, Phone
- Cross-Cultural Adjustment: Culture Shock, The Progressive Stages of Culture Shock, Responding to Culture Shock, Returning Home, What is Reentry Shock?, Academic Issues, Personal Experiences
- Health & Safety: Before You Go, Once You’re Abroad, Safety Warning, Legal Issues, Street Safety, Other Safety Guidelines
- Carnegie Mellon Department Contacts