Handouts, Videos and other Resources
Our handouts and videos delve into over 30 different topics. What will you learn today?
Printable Resources
A fully searchable collection of printable PDFs on a host of subjects.
Fast Facts
A series of study skills pamphlets on a variety of issues related to academic success. They cover general areas such as plagiarism, study strategies, managing your time and stress management.
First Year Fast Facts
Practical advice from CMU students and faculty about many of the new challenges that First-Years face during the first few weeks of college.
Communication and Language Support Videos
The videos in this collection present strategies for strong communication practices (written, oral, and visual). Several of the videos are brief, concept descriptions with examples; others are full recordings of past workshops. Many of the materials provide additional practice for language learners and supplement content from Communication and Language Support workshops. Because of the video format, students can access the material on their own time and get support on specific topics related to individual needs.
Other Resources
Other Writing Centers
A collection of exemplary resources from other communication centers around the country.
I'm a CMU student and I need advice on...
Find advice on practical, time-tested strategies that can help you, not only in college, but throughout your post-college career as well!
Looking for places to Study?
Carnegie Mellon's Pittsburgh campus has assigned new outdoor spaces and tents and several indoor common areas and classrooms as “touchdown spaces” where students can spend time between classes for the fall 2020 semester. The spaces are listed below and identified with signage across campus.