Carnegie Mellon University

Pride Month

Carnegie Mellon and the CMU Alumni Association are committed to acknowledging the contributions and impact of our LGBTQ+ community locally, nationally and internationally throughout the year. Each year, Pride provides us with a special opportunity to recognize and elevate their professional and academic excellence.

khuizenga_700x700.pngSpotlight: Kai Huizenga (ENG 2022), CMU Fifth Year Scholar

“CMU has really helped me transform into a confident, professional individual who knows how to engage with a community while also really engaging on social justice action.”


ICYMI: Event Highlights & Recordings

CMU Voices

Vivienne MingVivienne Ming (DC 2006), executive chair, Socos Labs

“I got really hooked on the idea of not just researching a basic science question — which I love to do — but turning it into something that directly and unambiguously made someone’s life better.”

billy-porter_800x800.jpg Billy Porter (CFA 1991), Emmy Award winning actor

"I've learned that the only thing I can be is the totality of who I am, and to live inside the truth of who I am."