Carnegie Mellon University


100sq_cmuout-icon_ua-24-160.pngThe cmuOUT Network is the Carnegie Mellon University Alumni Association's official lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and ally (LGBTQIA) identity-based network. Our membership is open to all alumni and friends — including faculty, staff, students, parents and families of students. Founded in 2013, cmuOUT exists to connect alumni to one another and to support the learning and success of LGBTQIA students at Carnegie Mellon University.

We are committed to making CMU a supportive and inclusive place for our LGBTQ+ community and allies. Through the Identity Networks, we connect our alumni and community members in meaningful ways. This page is intended to create opportunities for engagement and to highlight events happening nationwide that are specifically geared towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, & queer+ identities. 

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Upcoming cmuOUT Events

Check back soon for more events!