GSA Reps Resources
Department Representative Resources
Here, Reps will find useful links and information to fulfill their Reps duties as well as serve their constituents and campus community.
Reps Roster
We encourage Reps to reach outside their department and build interdepartmental relationships and events. By following this link, you can find the roster of current Reps.
The Reps Handbook can be used as a quick guide to navigating the duties of a Rep. The handbook provides context as well as tips and guides on how to organize departmental events, participate in committees and GSA Reps Meetings, and how the funds of Student Government, GSA, and you GSA-allocated departmental monies work. The latest edition of the Reps Handbook can be found here.
GSA Bylaws
GSA's activities, meetings, exec communications, and reps' responsibilities are governed by the GSA Bylaws. The full bylaws can be found on the CMU Student Government website.
GSA Fiscal Policy
GSA is funded by graduate students' Activities Fee. We aim to use these funds in a way that benefits all graduate students and improves the graduate student experience. The full GSA Fiscal Policy can be found on the CMU Student Government website.
Committee involvement
Advocacy for graduate students is at the core of GSA. We encourage all graduate students to get involved with a committee on campus. Each GSA Vice President chairs an internal committee related to their responsibilities. Further, many departments and University committees seek out graduate student representation. Learn more about the committees on campus here or contact the VP of Campus Affairs to get involved.
GSA General Body Meetings & Executive committee meetings
GSA hosts general body meetings on the last Wednesday of the month from 5 to 7 pm. As a Rep, you have the duty of attending these meetings and bringing up any issues your constituents encounter. The agenda and all prereads are sent before the meeting for you to be up to date with all conversations. You can find the minutes and slides of the previous meetings here.
The Executive Committee meets weekly to touch base and update each other on committees we run and committees attend, the status of projects and initiatives, and set-up our email schedule. You can find the minutes from these meetings here. This folder is updated at the end of the month. If you want to see minutes that have not been uploaded, please contact the VP of Internal Affairs.