The Journal of Social Structure's volumes include:
Volume 18 (2017):
Volume 18 articles:
- The Structure of Collaboration Networks: An Illustration of Indian Economics / M. Krishna and G.D. Bino Paul (Vol.18, No.4)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- The Power of Social Cognition / Geoffrey P. Morgan, Kenneth Joseph & Kathleen M.Carley (Vol.18, No.3)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Eigenvector Centrality: Illustrations Supporting the Utility of Extracting More Than One Eigenvector to Obtain Additional Insights into Networks and Interdependent Structures / Dawn Iacobucci, Rebecca McBride & Deidre L. Popovich (Vol.18, No.2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- The Invisible Contours of Online Dating Communities: A Social Network Perspective / Diane H. Felmlee & Derek A. Kreager (Vol.18, No.1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 17 (2016):
Volume 17 articles:
- If Parsons Had PAJEK: The Relevance of Midcentury Structural-Functionalism to Dynamic Network Analysis / Benjamin Cornwell & Edward O. Laumann (Vol. 17, No.1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 16 (2015):
Volume 16 articles:
- Castells' network concept and its connections to
social, economic and political network analyses / Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko (Vol. 16, No.11)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Networks and Religion:Ties that Bind, Loose, Build Up, and Tear Down / Sean F. Everton (Vol. 16, No.10)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- U.S. and Whom? Structures and Communities of International Economic Research / Raphael H. Heiberger & Jan R. Riebling (Vol. 16, No.9)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Structural Cohesion:Visualization and Heuristics for Fast Computation / Jordi Torrents & Fabrizio Ferraro (Vol. 16, No.8)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Using Lord of the Flies to Teach Social Networks / jimi adams (Vol. 16, No.7)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- External Threat as Coercion / Pamela Emanuelson & David Willer (Vol. 16, No.6)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Sender- and Reciever-specific Blockmodels / Zhi Geng & Krzysztof Nowicki (Vol. 16, No.5)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Understanding the Influential People and Social Structures Shaping Compliance / Rachel A. Smith & Edward L. Fink (Vol. 16, No.4)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- A Longitudinal Analysis of Gendered Association Patterns: Homophily and Social
Distance in the General Social Survey / Matthew E. Brashears (Vol. 16, No.3)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Structural Balance and Signed International Relations / Patrick Doreian & Andrej Mrvar (Vol. 16, No.2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- A Multigraph Approach to Social Network Analysis / Termeh Shafie (Vol. 16, No.1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 15 (2014):
Volume 15 articles:
- Choosing a Clustering: An A Posteriori Method for Social Networks / Samuel D. Pimentel (Vol. 15, No.1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 14 (2013):
Volume 14 articles:
- Using Visualizations to Explore Network Dynamics / Kar-Hai Chu, Heather Wipfli & Thomas W. Valente (Vol. 14, No.4)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- An Analysis of the 'Failed States Index' by Partial Order Methodology /Lars Carlsen & Rainer Bruggemann (Vol. 14, No.3)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- A Family of Affiliation Indices for Two-Mode Networks / Frank Tutzauer (Vol. 14, No.2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Hierarchy in Mixed Relation Networks: Warfare Advantage and Resource Distribution in Simulated World-Systems / Jacob Apkarian, Jesse B. Fletcher, Christopher Chase-Dunn & Robert A. Hanneman (Vol. 14, No.1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 13 (2012):
Volume 13 articles:
- Network Text Analysis in Computer-Intensive Rapid Ethnography Retrieval: An Example from Political Networks of Sudan / Laurent Tambayong & Kathleen Carley (Vol. 13, No.2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Interorganizational Collaboration in the Hurricane Katrina Response / Carter T. Butts, Ryan M. Acton & Christopher Steven Marcum (Vol. 13, No.1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 12 (2011):
Volume 12 articles:
- Explorative Visualization of Citation Patterns in Social Network Research / Ulrik Brandes & Christian Pich (Vol. 12, No.8)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Parallel Arc Diagrams: Visualizing Temporal Interactions / Peter Hoek (Vol. 12, No.7)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Social Structural Analysis of Street-Involved Youth in Winnipeg, Canada / Laura H. Thompson, John Schellenberg, Margaret Ormond & John Wylie (Vol. 12, No.6)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- A Relational Hyperlink Analysis of an Online Social Movement / Dean Lusher and Robert Ackland (Vol. 12, No.5)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Choosing the 'β' Parameter when Using the Bonacich Power Measure / Simon Rodan (Vol. 12, No.4)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Comment and Response on "Choosing the 'β' Parameter when Using the Bonacich Power Measure" / Phillip Bonachich and Simon Rodan (Vol. 12, comment)
- Detecting Change in Longitudinal Social Networks / Ian McCulloh and Kathleen M. Carley (Vol. 12, No.3)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Strategies for Combating Dark Networks / Nancy Roberts and Sean F. Everton (Vol. 12, No.2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Inter-Firm Social Networks Created by Mobile Laborers: A Case Study on Siteler in Ankara / Burak Beyhan (Vol. 12, No.1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 11 (2010):
Volume 11 articles are the product of the first JoSS Visualization Symposium (2010),, which are republished individually here:
- Ties within and between the 6 regularly equivalent positions in the trade of agricultural products / Carl Nordlund (Vol. 11, No. 11)
[Full Article]
- Dollars or Links? How Would you Organize your Portfolio of Projects – by Project Costs, or by Project Interdependencies?/ Graham Durant-Law (Vol. 11, No. 10)
[Full Article]
- Radial Tree Diagram [RTD] of Insomnia / Philip Topham (Vol. 11, No. 9)
[Full Article]
- Mapping Globalization: Visualizing the Network of Global Trade / Manish Nag (Vol. 11, No. 8)
[Full Article]
- BibSonomy Anatomy / Katy Borner and Nianli Ma (Vol. 11, No. 7)
[Full Article]
- U.S. News Outlets - Network of Shared Topics / Katherine Ognyanova (Vol. 11, No. 6)
[Full Article]
- The Evolution of FCC Lobbying Coalitions / Pierre de Vries (Vol. 11, No. 5)
[Full Article]
- Bi-Annual Ratings of State Higher Education Systems 2000-2006 / Fabio Guillermo Rojas and Amia Foston, (Vol. 11, No. 4)
[Full Article]
- Understanding the Composition of an Ensemble of Personal Networks / Ulrik Brandes, Jurgen Lerner, Miranda J. Lubbers, Christopher McCarthy, Jose Luis Molina and Uwe Nagel, (Vol. 11, No. 3)
[Full Article]
- Pinwheel Layout to Highlight Community Structure / Bernie Hogan (Vol. 11, No. 2)
[Full Article]
- Visualizing Positive and Negative Endorsements of S.1782 (2007) / Skye Bender-de Moll (Vol. 11, No. 1)
[Full Article]
Volume 10 (2009):
Volume 10 articles:
- Change and External Events in Computer-Mediated Citation Networks: English Language Weblogs and the 2004 U.S. Electoral Cycle / Carter T. Butts and B. Remy Cross (Vol. 10, No. 3)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Predicting Patterns of Exchange in Economic Exchange Networks /Casey Borch and C. Dudley Girard (Vol. 10, No. 2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Imputation of Missing Network Data: Some Simple Procedures /Mark Huisman (Vol. 10, No. 1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 9 (2008):
Volume 9 articles:
- Going the Wrong Way on a One-Way Street: Centrality in Physics and Biology /Linton C. Freeman (Vol. 9, No. 2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Signs over Time: Statistical and Visual Analysis of a Longitudinal Signed Network /Wouter de Nooy (Vol. 9, No. 1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 8 (2007):
Volume 8 articles:
- Visualizing the Signatures of Social Roles in Online Discussion Groups /Howard T. Welser, Eric Gleave, Danyel Fisher,and Marc Smith (Vol. 8, No. 2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Density or Distinction? The Roles of Data Structure and Group Detection Methods in Describing Adolescent Peer Groups / Scott D. Gest, James Moody, and Kelly L. Rulison (Vol. 8, No. 1 )
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 7 (2006):
Volume 7 articles:
- The Art and Science of Dynamic Network Visualization / Skye Bender-deMoll and Daniel A. McFarland (Vol. 7, No. 2 )
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Measures of Simmelian Tie Strength, Simmelian Brokerage, and, the Simmelianly Brokered / David Dekker (Vol. 7, No. 1 )
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 6 (2005):
Volume 6 articles:
- Conceptual Distance in Social Network Analysis / Anthony Dekker (Vol. 6, No. 3 )
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Structural Knowledge and Success of Anti-Terrorist Activity: The Downside of Structural Equivalence / Maksim Tsvetovat and Kathleen Carley (Vol. 6, No. 2 )
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- A Quantitative Review of Associative Patterns in the Recall of Persons / Devon D. Brewer, Giovanni Rinaldi, Andrei Mogoutov, and Thomas W. Valente (Vol. 6, No. 1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 6 book reviews:
- Freeman, Linton C. 2004. The Development of Social Network Analaysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science. Vancouver, BC Canada: Empirical Press.
- Reviewed by Charles Kadushin, Brandeis University.
[View Review]
Volume 5 (2004):
Volume 5 articles:
- Do You See What I Want You to See? The Effects of Motion and Spatial Layout on Viewers' Perceptions of Graph Structure / Cathleeen McGrath and Jim Blythe (Vol. 5, No. 2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Network Visualization: The "Bush Team" in Reuters News Ticker 9/11-11/15/01 / Jeffrey C. Johnson and Lothar Krempel (Vol. 5, No. 1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 5 book reviews:
- Watts, Duncan J. 2003. Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
- Reviewed by Phillip Bonacich, University of California, Los Angeles.
[View Review]
- Reviewed by Martina Morris, University of Washington.
[View Review]
- Reviewed by Joel Podolny, Harvard University.
[View Review]
- Wellman, Barry (Ed.). 1999 Networks in the Global Village: Life in Contemporary Communities. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
- Reviewed by Karl vanMeter, LASMAS-CNRS, Paris.
[View Review]
Volume 4 (2003):
Volume 4 articles:
- Exploring the Dynamics of International Trade by Combining the Comparative Advantages of Multivariate Statistics and Network Visualization / Lothar Krempel and Thomas Plümper (Vol. 4, No. 1)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 3 (2002):
Volume 3 articles:
- Relations, Species, and Network Structure / John Skvoretz and Katherine Faust (Vol. 3, No. 3)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation of Exponential Random Graph Models / Tom A.B. Snijders (Vol. 3, No. 2)
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Structure in Personal Networks / Christopher McCarty (Vol.3, No.1).
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 2 (2001):
Volume 2 articles:
- The Evolution of Exchange Networks / Phillip Bonacich (Vol.2 No.5). [Abstract] [Full Article]
- Exploratory Network Visualization: Simultaneous Display of Actor Status and Connections / Ulrik Brandes, Jörg Raab, Dorothea Wagner (Vol.2 No.4).
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Network Role Analysis in the Study of Food Webs: An Application of Regular Role Coloration / Jeffrey C. Johnson, Stephen P. Borgatti, Joseph J. Luczkovich, Martin G. Everett. (Vol. 2, No. 3).
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Theoretical Sociology in the 20th Century / Thomas J. Fararo. (Vol. 2, No. 2).
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- The Impact of Social Context on Interaction Patterns /Cynthia M. Webster, Linton C. Freeman, and Christa G. Aufdemberg (Vol. 2, No. 1).
[Abstract] [Full Article]
Volume 1 (2000):
Volume 1 articles:
- Structural Plots of Multivariate Binary Data / Ove Frank (Vol. 1, No. 4).
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Social Integration and Health: The Case of the Common Cold / Sheldon Cohen, Ian Brissette, David Skoner, and William Doyle (Vol. 1, No. 3).
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Eigen Analysis of Networks / William Richards and Andrew Seary (Vol. 1, No. 2).
[Abstract] [Full Article]
- Visualizing Social Networks / Linton Freeman (Vol. 1, No. 1).
[Abstract] [Full Article]