Manuscripts submitted for review should be sent to the editor in electronic form only (email address: Please include "JoSS Submission:" in the subject line. No paper submissions will be considered. All articles will be reviewed electronically, and correspondence with the authors will be via email.
Acceptable formats for submission include MSWord, WordPerfect, PDF, or HTML. Figures may be submitted in a variety of formats, including Excel, Powerpoint, JPEG, MPEG, TIFF, MAGE, VRML, and Java. However, not all of these formats are accessible to a general audience. In such cases where a format requires an uncommon program or plugin to read the figure, the authors will be asked to supply a set of figures in a format built in to most browsers to supplement the preferred originals (see Freeman's article, JoSS, Volume 1(1), Figures 30-32). Readers will be offered both sets of figures in the published version of the article in case their computer cannot read the preferred figure format. Authors will also be asked to supply any programs that are used to create a figure, such as an original Java program used to create an interactive or animated figure.
Figures may be submitted in a separate file. All figures should be in a format that is as lossless as possible. In addition, the published version of the paper will include a thumbnail for each figure (jpeg format preferred) that will be embedded in the article. Authors will be responsible for supplying these thumbnails.