Statistics & Data Science Camp for High-School Students
The world is awash in data--images, websites, books, TikTok videos, and more--that contain important information about the world around us, information that statisticians and data scientists want to extract, analyze, and interpret.
Our free one-week summer camp will introduce high-school students to the world of statistics and data science, will inform them about all the opportunities for careers in these fields, and tell them how to best prepare for such careers. And we'll take a field trip to the offices of a Pittsburgh-based company that uses data science every day!
Each day of the program will combine presentations about the basics of statistics and data science with hands-on demonstrations and computer labs in which students will learn the basics of R. By the end of the camp, participants will know what statistics and data science are all about and will know if they want to pursue these fields in the future.
Example Schedule
(Subject to Change)
Day 1: What are Data and Why Do They Matter?
09:30-09:45 AM – Introduction
09:45-10:30 AM – What Are Data and How Are They Generated?
10:30 AM-Noon – R Computer Lab I
Noon-12:30 PM – Lunch/Break
12:30-01:00 PM – The Motivation for Data Science
01:00-01:30 PM – How Can We Address the Challenges of Big Data via Modeling? (Part I)
Day 2: Leveraging Data with Models and Algorithms I
09:30-09:45 AM – How Can We Address the Challenges of Big Data via Modeling? (Part II)
09:45-10:30 AM – Measuring Objects and Their Similarities
10:30 AM-Noon – R Computer Lab II
Noon-12:30 PM – Lunch/Break
12:30-01:30 PM – Working With Unstructured Data: Text Analysis
Day 3: Leveraging Data with Models and Algorithms II
09:30-10:30 AM – Modeling Data with Linear Regression
10:30 AM-Noon – R Computer Lab III
Noon-12:30 PM – Lunch/Break
12:30-01:30 PM – Tour of Carnegie Mellon
Day 4: Field Trip!
09:45 AM - 1 PM – Field Trip: Duolingo (Meet at Site)
Day 5: Realizing Data Science - Applications and Computation
09:30-10:30 AM – Wrapup: Your Next Steps Towards Data Science
10:30 AM-Noon – R Computer Lab IV
Noon-12:30 PM – Lunch/Break
12:30-01:30 PM – Tour of Carnegie Mellon
Frequently Asked Questions
When does this camp take place?
While the exact days will change from year to year, the camp is typically in the last week of June. That is subject to change, so make sure to check this page when the application opens up in January for the following summer.
What are the prerequisites for the program?
There are no specific courses required, although a solid understanding of algebra and a desire to learn more about statistics and data science are definitely a plus.
Can I participate if I am going to graduate in Spring 2024?
Only if you have not yet applied to college. This program is envisioned as a means for rising juniors and seniors to learn about statistics and data science...and what they learn might influence college application plans (and plans about what subject to major in). However, if you are graduating and don't have immediate college plans, but you intend to go to college eventually, we would certainly consider your participation.
Can I participate if I am a currently a rising freshman or sophomore?
Yes, but keep in mind that preference will be given to rising juniors and seniors. Of course, we would encourage you to participate next year!
This sounds interesting, but I can only come on some of the days. Can I still apply?
Students are expected to attend for the full week, so we would ask that you not apply if you cannot make it on all the days.
Is transportation offered?
All participants will receive a bus pass.