Carnegie Mellon University

Xiaofei Tang

Xiaofei Tang

Lecturer of Chinese Studies

Education: Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University, Second Language Acquisition, M.S.Ed. University of Pennsylvania, Intercultural Communication, B.A. East China Normal University, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.


I enjoy teaching and interacting with students from diverse backgrounds. My research interest includes game-based learning, second language pragmatics, task-based language teaching, and Chinese as a foreign language.

  • Game-based learning
  • Second language pragmatics
  • Task-based language teaching
  • Chinese as a foreign language.
  • 82131 Elementary Chinese I
  • 82132 Elementary Chinese II
  • 82135 Elementary Chinese for Heritage Students
  • 82331 Advanced Chinese I: A Changing China
  • 82333 Chinese Language and Culture

Tang, X. & Taguchi, N. (Forthcoming)."Digital game-based learning for L2 Chinese formulaic expressions." The Modern Language Journal, 105(3), XXX-XXX. 

Tang, X., Taguchi, N., & Li, S. (2021). "Social contact and speech act strategies in a Chinese study abroad context." Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 6(1), 3-31. 

Tang, X. (2020). "Task-based interactional sequences in different modalities: Computer-mediated written chat vs. face-to-face oral chat." Applied Pragmatics, 2(2), 173-197. 

Tang, X. & Taguchi, N. (2020). "Designing and using a scenario-based digital game to teach Chinese formulaic expressions." CALICO Journal, 37(1), 1-22. 

Tang, X. (2019). "The effects of task modality on L2 Chinese learners’ pragmatic development: Computer-mediated written chat vs. face-to-face oral chat." System, 80, 48-59. 

Department Member Since 2019