Non-Employee Expense Report Preparer/Approver FAQs
How do I know if the Payee attached receipts?
Before clicking ‘Progress Case’, select the attached file link toward the top of the page to view the attached receipt. If the receipts were emailed or mailed to the preparer, click on the ‘Drop Files Here Or Click To Upload’ button on page 3 of the NEX preparer expense details edit and attach the receipts on behalf of the payee.
Can expenses or account strings be corrected on an expense report?
Yes, as long as the approver has not already approved the expense report. Once the expense report has been approved, you will need to contact Accounts Payable to make corrections. If the expense report has not been entered into Oracle, the Accounts Payable staff will be able to address your requested change. If it has been entered into Oracle, you will need to complete an Accounts Payable Redistribution Form [.pdf].
Can an expense report be deleted?
Yes, the approver can cancel an expense report prior to the expense report approval by clicking the ‘Cancel’ option from the dropdown decision box at the end of the form. Once the expense report is approved, Accounts Payable can delete the expense report as long as the expense report has not been paid.
Can the Non-Employee Expense Reports be approved on a smart phone?
Is there a time limit to the form?
Yes, the form will time out after 30 minutes of inactivity and any progress will be lost if you have not clicked the “Next” button on that page.
Can I save my form if I haven’t finished entering the expense details?
Yes, the preparer can save the form when entering expense details by clicking the ‘Next’ button and then closing the form. The preparer will see an ‘Action Required’ status showing under ‘My Worklist Items’ in Jadu.
Is there a limit to the amount of expense lines that can be added to the form?
Yes, 20 expense lines are provided.
What happens if the Payee does not respond to the ‘Action Required’ email?
The preparer should contact the Payee to confirm the ‘Action Required' email has been received. The preparer will receive an email notification after seven days of inactivity on an outstanding report reminding them to contact the payee for action. The payee will get a reminder email at 28 days and the expense report will automatically cancel after 30 days if the payee does not submit.
How can I know where the expense report is in the process?
You can reference the emails you have received throughout the submission process. Additionally, you can check the current status of the NEX under the home Worklist screen in Jadu. If you are still unsure, contact the Business Systems Help Desk at In order to confirm payment of the expense report, you should query the expense report in AP Inquiry in Oracle.
What happens if a Preparer or Approver leaves the university in mid-stream?
Contact the Business Systems Help Desk at
How will I know if the Payee has entered their information?
The preparer receives an ‘Action Required’ email.
How will I know when the report has gone through Audit, Tax, and Accounts Payable?
The Preparer will receive an ‘FYI’ email.
What happens if the information on the Non-Employee Expense Report is incorrect or if required documentation is not attached?
Taxation or Accounts Payable will contact the preparer in order to be provided with the necessary documentation and information ultimately delaying the reimbursement process.
What happens if the Preparer needs to make a change to the information on the report after it has been approved?
Contact Accounts Payable at
How do I obtain the appropriate security to create a non-employee expense report?
Are Non-Employee Expense Reports (NEERs) manually entered into Oracle by Accounts Payable?
No, the information that is entered by the preparer is extracted from the NEER and exported to Oracle to create and pay the NEER with minimal manual intervention from Accounts Payable.
Can a NEER be completed with both General Ledger (GL) and Grants Management (GM) account strings?
No, two separate NEERs must be completed: one NEER for the GM portion and one NEER for the GL portion of the expenses. The same receipts and supporting documentation can be attached to both NEERs.
Does the full Oracle account string need to be completed on the NEER form?
Yes, in order to expedite processing for the NEER, the correct Oracle account strings must be entered on the NEER exactly as they appear in Oracle for validation purposes. If the account string validation fails, the NEER will not be processed until AP is able to obtain a correct Oracle string from the submitter.