Carnegie Mellon University

Required Forms

Accounts Payable Deposit Form [.pdf]

Use to report a duplicate expense submitted on multiple ERs or on both a PRC and ER. A check must accompany this form (make payable to Carnegie Mellon University).

Expense Report - Taxable Reimbursement [.pdf]

Use to report expenses being reimbursed via an ER not in compliance with the Business and Travel Expense Policy. These items must be treated as taxable income to the recipient.

Travel Advance Form [.pdf]

Use to request a travel advance for authorized university-related business travel expenses. This form is for employees only.

Business & Travel Expense Policy Exception Authorization Form [.pdf]

Use in advance of a trip when requesting an upgrade or exception to the policy (i.e., business class travel upgrade). Email approvals may be used in replacement of the required form if they contain the required fields as prescribed on the form.

Non-Employee Expense Report Form

Only individuals authorized through the Business Systems Help Desk can prepare the electronic Non-Employee Expense Report (NEER) form. To receive access, an Administrative Leadership Group (ALG) member must submit the preparer's name, email address and Andrew ID to the Business Systems Help Desk at Only the preparers, not the approvers, need to receive access. Preparers will be notified once their access has been granted and can then access the form through the Finance Division Forms page.

Optional Forms

Pre-Trip Reimbursement Tracker [.pdf]
Departments can use this form to track employee reimbursements processed prior to the trip completion.

Missing Receipt Form [.pdf]
Departments may choose to use this form for missing receipts on expenses that exceed a department or division mandated threshold. Please note that any missing receipts greater than $75 requires the Missing Receipt Form [.pdf].

Other Resources

Designated Departmental Finance Representative (DDFR) Listing [.pdf]
DDFRs may grant exceptions to the BTE Policy. To find your DDFR, view this listing.