Frequently Asked Questions
Dining Services frequently receives the following questions. If you do not find an answer to your question here, please email us or call 412-268-3782.How do I sign up for a dining plan?
When I purchase a dining plan, is it just for one semester?
No, when you purchase a dining plan, you make a purchase for the entire school year. You may change your dining plan during the official dining plan change period. You are billed per semester, but the purchase is for the entire academic year.
Why are first year students required to have a dining plan?
The dining plan helps students make a successful and healthy transition from living at home to living on their own. It helps with the socialization process as well.
Is there any way I can be released from a dining plan?
Exceptions to the dining plan are only made due to acute and severe health reasons. To be evaluated, please complete and return the Special Dining Needs Form to University Health Services.
How do I use my dining plan?
Your dining plan, which includes meal blocks and FLEXible Spending Dollars (FLEX), is encoded on your Carnegie Mellon ID card, along with any additional DineXtra funds purchased. Visit any of our 35+ dining locations to use your meal blocks, FLEX or DineXtra funds. The cashier will simply swipe your card and you'll be on your way! Learn more about managing your dining plan
What if I lose my ID card?
Report a lost card immediately by calling the HUB at 412-268-8186 or Campus Security at 412-268-2323. To replace a lost card, go to the HUB in the basement of Warner Hall.
What happens to my dining plan during less full weeks, such as Thanksgiving?
The number of meals and the cost of the dining plan factor in holidays and breaks.
What if I have special dietary requirements?
If you have special dietary needs or concerns, please submit a special dining needs form to University Health Services office. Our chefs create menus that support the health of our diverse community, including delicious and creative vegan, vegetarian, kosher, Halal and allergen-friendly meals. Learn more about our food
What are the hours of operation during holidays or other special events?
Hours will vary for each dining location during special periods. Check the dining hours for up-to-date information.
Can I use a department charge for payment at campus dining locations?
Yes, you can pay using your department or organization’s oracle string by completing the Department Charge Form and bringing a printed copy to the dining location. Please present the completed form to the cashier at the time of purchase.
Why can't food be carried out of the Schatz Dining Room?
Schatz Dining Room is an all-you-care-to-eat dining location. You are welcome to consume all you wish during each visit, but due to the pricing structure, food cannot leave this area.
Who serves the food on campus?
Carnegie Mellon Dining's primary dining vendor Chartwells directly manages many of our on-campus dining locations. We also work with several other outside vendors who operate the other dining locations on campus including La Prima Espresso, Millie's and Taste of India.
Who sets the pricing for the vendors?
Dining Services reviews and approves the pricing structures. Pricing must be competitive with similar operations and their restaurants. In some instances, prices are actually lower.
Who watches over vendor quality?
Our Dining Services management team regularly monitors vendor services and products. We welcome any comments or suggestions regarding vendor services.
How can I voice my suggestions and give feedback to Dining Services directly?
Contact us or attend the Student Dormitory Council Food Committee meetings. You can email the Student Dormitory Council Food Chair.