Carnegie Mellon University

For immediate help, call 412-268-2922

If you are a Carnegie Mellon student experiencing distress or in a mental health crisis, please call us immediately. During CaPS regular hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm, you can call us to be screened for a same-day, urgent appointment through Zoom. After hours, you can call our main number 412-268-2922 to speak immediately with a phone counselor. 

If you are a student worried about a friend, CaPS offers help.

If you are a student interested in our Skills Workshops, Drop-in Groups or Clinics click here. You can also find information on our CaPS Connection Hours here.

Getting Started with CaPS - It's Easy!

1. First Contact

During regular business hours, call 412-268-2922 or stop by our offices to schedule your first appointment. Within five business days, you will be scheduled for a 30-50 minute initial consultation appointment with one of our therapists.

2. Initial Consultation

The day of your initial consultation appointment, you will fill out a small amount of paperwork that will help us understand your reasons for visiting our office. After the paperwork is completed, you will have the opportunity to meet with one of our therapists for a brief discussion. You will be invited to talk freely about your concerns and ask any questions you may have. This discussion will help us assess the nature and urgency of your concerns, with the goal of matching you with the services that will best meet your needs.

3. Formulate a Plan

Options might include an appointment for therapy with one of our therapists, referral to other campus or community resources, or both.