Carnegie Mellon University

Miller Institute for Contemporary Art

CFA Miller ICA Students Raise Funds to Fight Food Insecurity

written by
Margaret Cox

The CMU Annual Food Drive is an important way in which CMU demonstrates its commitment to the community. "For nearly three decades, Carnegie Mellon has run one of the highest-grossing food drives in the City of Pittsburgh — contributing more than $319,000 and over 78 tons of nonperishables to support those in need," said Carole Panno, CMU associate director of Gift Planning and CMU Food Drive chair for the past 27 years.

Much of the success of the drive comes from the friendly competition among staff and student teams. This year, a new student-led team, Miller Lites — Miller Institute for Contemporary Art Students, became the first College of Fine Arts student team rallying support for the drive. They not only exceeded their fundraising goal of $500 but won second place for Highest Supporting Student Teams!

Behind the spirit of the Miller Lites were students from across CFA: Laurence Gao (junior, BXA Science and Arts), Grayson Ticer (junior, BXA Humanities and Arts), Christopher Zhu (Masters, Music) and Wendy Khun (junior, Drama).

Each student came together in this cause for reasons that are meaningful to them.

"I think that it is important for CMU students to engage with communities outside of the university setting," Gao said. "This annual food drive is a great opportunity to support our own CMU Food Pantry, as well as residents of Pittsburgh who are experiencing food insecurity."

It is an engaged way to learn about the city, said Khun. "The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank is a group that was born out of the Hill District back in the '80s and has since been one of the leading organizations in sustainably feeding and providing resources to Pittsburgh residents. I am so excited to be part of this student-led initiative to urge the CMU community to directly give back to the city."

Ticer got involved as a way to deepen a connection to this city. "I love Pittsburgh; it's an incredibly special place. Having the opportunity to contribute so meaningfully to this food drive was an exciting and rewarding way to return the affection."

The Miller Lites show us that the CMU community has a strong bond, and this is a way to share that feeling with others. "Food is like music and art that has the warmth and power to bring people together," Zhu said. "I believe the food drive is a great opportunity to benefit the community. It helps to fight hunger and waste and connects the community."