Carnegie Mellon University

Pradeep S. Sindhu (S 1983, 1984)

2008 Alumni Achievement (Merit) Award


In his role as Juniper's CTO, Pradeep S. Sindhu is responsible for outlining the company's technical needs and developing future projects. Among the most important benefits of his CMU education was the foundation it provided for his career--a solid grounding both in the fundamentals of computer science and the technologies behind computer systems.  

His involvement runs deep at SCS, from supporting a graduate fellowship, to hosting CMU's Silicon Valley Network Night events at Juniper's Santa Clara facilities in 2012 and 2013, to speaking on campus and facilitating delivery of Juniper's networking equipment to the Gates and Hillman Centers.

Pradeep says his involvement is motivated by a desire to give back and share his experiences. That's been manifested in gifts such as the one that created the Pradeep Sindhu Graduate Fellowship to provide support to a graduate student in the Computer Science Department. "It's a great way to stay in touch with students who are experiencing the rewards and challenges of earning a Ph.D.," he says.