Carnegie Mellon University

Scotty on Zoom

April 13, 2020

Expand Your Tartan Network

As part of CMUConnect’s Career & Professional Development month, we’re offering engaging virtual networking sessions — allowing alumni opportunities to continue to connect and network around a topic of interest – throughout May. 

Seats are limited, so be sure to register today! 

Below is the list of session topics with dates and time of each session.  

All times listed below are in Eastern time and Pacific time zones. Sessions are planned to run for 60 minutes, and all will be conducted through the Zoom meeting platform. ThZoom meeting link will be in the confirmation email and sent out 24 hours prior to the session.  

Virtual Roundtable: Calling All Extroverts! Navigating Social Distancing Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Something that extroverts have in common is that we are sociable people who seek out and are often energized through face-to-face and person-to-person interactions, connections and experiences.

National mandates to self-isolate and socially distance can create layers of anxiety, stress and uncertainty. Join your fellow CMU Tartans for a virtual roundtable to share experiences, discuss strategies for coping and make connections with other members of the extrovert community! This networking session will allow alumni to connect within breakout groups in the Zoom platform. 

April 29 – 1 p.m. ET; 10 a.m. PT 

May 13 – 9 a.m. ET; 6 a.m. PT 

How to Easily Upgrade Your Public Speaking Skills 

Hosted by Katie Karlovitz (A 1978), Public Speaking Consultant; Founder, On Speaking Terms 

We'll discuss the wide range of platforms available for business communication in 2020, how to decide which places are the best fit for you (and career growth) and what to do and not to do when in public.

May 6 - 1 p.m. ET; 10 a.m. PT 

Tartans in Career Transitions  

Transitioning careers and job searching can feel overwhelming and stressful, but you’re not alone. Find support, share experiences and gain motivation by joining fellow Tartans also experiencing career transition. This networking session will allow alumni to connect within breakout groups in the Zoom platform.  

May 6 – 2 p.m. ET; 11 a.m. PT 

May 20 – 7:30 p.m. ET; 4:30 p.m. PT 

Driving Change in Organizations 

Hosted By Tanu Chellam (DC 2012), Lizzie Li (DC 2013), Senior Manager, Product Manager and Senior UX Designer, Autodesk and Mulesoft/Salesforce, both with DSO  

What has driving change in organizations been like for you? How did you do it and what did you learn from the experience? Come join us in sharing our stories. 

May 7 - 9:30 p.m. ET; 6:30 p.m. PT  

The Last Lecture 

Hosted by Keith Clark (HNZ 2010), Manager, Career CoachingThe Home Depot 

Talking and connecting as CMU alumni on Randy Pausch's lecture, book and message on pursuing our big dreams. 

May 7 - 6:30 p.m. ET; 3:30 PT 

How She Built That 

Hosted by Joanna Lovering (BXA 2004), Founder + CEO, Copper + Rise

Whether it is a product, process, or even a company, Carnegie Mellon alumni are at the forefront of innovation. While creativity, perseverance and grit are all important factors to success, CMU taught us to solve problems in ways that embrace our unique strengths. Join us to share your stories of successes and lessons learned while forging new paths as we inspire each other to celebrate and leverage our talents to make our world a better place.

May 11 - 7 p.m. ET; 4 p.m. PT 

Virtual Roundtable: For Parents and Caregivers Trying to Survive (and Thrive) Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Taming children is often like trying to wrangle cats – exhausting, mostly impossible and messy at best. Trying to do so during a pandemic while managing all the duties of an educator, personal chef and cleaning person may cause you to lose some of your own sanity.

Join other CMU alumni, parents and caregivers for a virtual roundtable to talk about the ways that we are surviving and thriving and where we could use some additional support or tactics during these unprecedented times. This brain dump and support session will allow you to connect face-to-face with two small breakout groups via the Zoom platform.  

May 13 – 3 p.m. ET; Noon PT

May 27 – 8 a.m. ET; 5 a.m. PT


Entrepreneurship Mastermind  

Hosted by David McKnight (HNZ 1996), CEO, McKnight Image Lab 

Discuss and share strategies, tips, ideas and resources to evolve and persevere during the COVID-19 crisis. Through encouragement and networking, we will support one another during these uncertain and challenging times.

May 14 - 4 p.m. ET; 1 p.m. PT 


Hosted bSridhar Rajagopal (E 1998), FounderPrana Labs Inc. 

Join first-time entrepreneurs and serial and seasoned entrepreneurs, as well as wantrepreneurs, for discussion, networking and discovery.

May 18 – 3 p.m. ET; Noon PT 

Starting Your Own Company 

Hosted by Craig Hillman (E 1991), Director, ANSYS 

Connect with fellow Tartans who have or are looking to start their own company for a conversation around best practices and experiences.

May 18 - 6:30 p.m. ET; 3:30 PT 

Product Management  

Hosted By Bettina Elstro (DC 2002), Product Manager, Walt Disney Imagineering 

Join fellow CMU alumni to discuss software product management, share experiences and network. 

May 20 – 8:30 p.m. ET; 5:30 p.m. PT 

Tartan Women Entrepreneurs  

Hosted by Shanna Tellerman (A 2003, CMU 2005), Co-Founder and CEO, Modsy 
Gather for a discussion around challenges and opportunities women face in the startup world. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to build your network, learn from peers and pay it forward by sharing your experiences.

May 21 – 3 p.m. ET; Noon PT 

Tartan Women Networking: Building Strong Networks 

Hosted by: Kate Hamilton (DC 2010, 2016) Assistant Director of Faculty Programs, Harvard Kennedy School & Shalini Ray (S 2015, HNZ 2016) Client Services, ConvergeHEALTH Intellect Product Technology, Deloitte Consulting 

In this virtual event, we will discuss how you have cultivated professional and personal networks for career development. What approach do you take to your role in your organization? Have you mentored others or benefited from a mentor? And how can strong networks facilitate women's leadership? 

Created by leaders in the Boston Network; we hope Tartans from far and wide will join us.   

May 26 – 6:30 p.m. ET; 3:30 p.m. PT 

People Managers

Hosted by Jeremy Toeman (DC 1996), Chief Product Officer, WarnerMedia Innovation

Managers of employees connect to explore specific challenges related to people, situations and circumstances on your team(s).

May 27 – 5 p.m. ET; 2 p.m. PT 