Carnegie Mellon University

Jessica Balguy

Jessica Balguy

Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Black European Studies and the Atlantic (CBESA)

Education: Ph.D., EHESS (Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), Paris, France


Originally from Paris, I have completed my thesis on the history of slavery in the French West Indies. My work focuses on the compensation of slave owners after abolition in the French colonial empire in 1848. My book "Indemniser l'esclavage en 1848 ? Débats dans l'empire colonial français du XIXe siècle" and the public database "Esclavage et indemnités, empire colonial français du XIXe siècle" document the debates that led to this historic decision and the compensation payments.

Throughout my thesis years, and particularly in recent years, my research has led me to consider the question of slavery and its legacies from an international perspective, which I hope to develop within the Center for Black European Studies and the Atlantic and the Department of Modern Languages. It is with the idea of developing a transatlantic exchange that I enthusiastically join the department and its members.

  • Slavery
  • Compensation
  • French colonial empire

Department Member Since 2023