Carnegie Mellon University

The Machine That Would Catch Slaves Of Itself: 90 Years of the Anti-Somerset US Constitution and its Nemesis, Black Solidarity

Edward E. Baptist, Professor of History, Cornell University

"The Machine That Would Catch Slaves Of Itself: 90 Years of the Anti-Somerset US Constitution and its Nemesis, Black Solidarity.”

Lecture: October 26, 2023 – 5:00pm, Posner Grand Room (POS 340)


October 27, 2023 –12:00-1:15pm, BH 254Q

Lunchtime seminar with Prof. Baptist, “Parastate vs. Solidarity,” moderated by Edda Fields, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon Department of History. 

Review the reading for this seminar

Lunch will be provided, registration required by 10/19. 

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