Chemistry Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC)
The Graduate Student Advisory Committee provides input to the GPC on matters of concern to graduate students and the graduate program in general. For example, the GSAC has been involved in revisions to the graduate program requirements and in assessing the program. You can also talk with members of the GSAC to learn more about the graduate program and to share feedback about it. You can also address concerns to them and they can often help you determine how to get assistance.
MCS Graduate Student Advisory Committee (MCS GSAC)
Similar to the departmental GSAC above, the Mellon College of Science often has a group of graduate students (two from each department) to provide input to the Associate Dean for Faculty and Graduate Affairs. The MCS GSAC has organized past events such as the MCS Graduate Student Poster Session and panel discussions on careers in science. The Associate Dean for Faculty and Graduate Affairs (currently Manfred Paulini, Professor of Physics) convenes this committee.
Graduate Student Assembly (GSA)
The Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) serves as student governing body for graduate students at Carnegie Mellon. In addition to university services listed here, the GSA actively works on issues to improve the quality of life for graduate students and to provide varied social activities to enhance students’ experience of graduate school. Departmental happy hours and the department’s graduate student lounge are funded in large part by graduate students’ activities fees.
Chemistry Social Committee
Members of the Social Committee are involved in developing activities for the improvement of graduate student life in the department.