Carnegie Mellon University

Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson

Interim Head, School of Design

  • Margaret Morrison 201A
  • 412-268-3181
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Eric Anderson is a senior associate dean of the College of Fine Arts where he has a focus on faculty development and governance among other duties. Anderson is also an associate professor of Design at the School of Design, where for 20 years he has taught design thinking and strategy, user centered design methods, and experience design within the context of product design and product visualization studios at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is a co-founder of the Integrated Innovation Institute and until recently was an instructor and co-director of its Master of Integrated Innovation for Products and Services (MIIPS) that brought together design, engineering and business students to learn product and service innovation. He has now returned to his teaching and research in the School of Design.

Prior to teaching at Carnegie Mellon, Anderson spent over a decade as a full time design practitioner for corporate departments and consulting firms based in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania (Philadelphia area), where he designed a broad variety of product solutions for medical instrumentation, trade show exhibition, corporate identity and consumer product spaces. Anderson is a past president of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA), a member of the prestigious IDSA Academy of Fellows, and a member of the Board of Trustees for The Design Foundation. He holds a B.S. in industrial design from the University of the Arts and an M.A. and MFA in Design Education from The Ohio State University.