Carnegie Mellon University

How to use Gradescope: A Faculty Guide

Gradescope is a tool licensed by CMU and integrated with Canvas for easy access by instructors and students. Gradescope helps instructors grade paper-based assignments online by speeding up the grading process as well as provide effective and timely feedback[a]. Faculty will use Gradescope to:

  • Promote fairer grading practices by facilitating anonymous grading and question-by-question (rather than student-by-student) grading
  • Access and review all of your (graded) work
  • Manage regrade requests

We've prepared a syllabus blurb for you to adopt or adapt, as well as an initial Gradescope assignment you can provide to students to help them practice with the Gradescope submission workflow. Download the .docx file…

If you would like to refer students to the Student Guide, please refer them to the Gradescope student guide. 

Setting up a Gradescope Assignment in Canvas:


Contact The Eberly Center for help with Gradescope at

Additional documentation on Gradescope can be found on their site.