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184 articles displayed.

Nicolas Christin
A Black woman with shoulder-length black hair in a blue dress sits in a wooden chair with her arm bent on the chair's arm and her chin resting in her hand.
A screenshot from the picoCTF "PicoLock" start page.
2024 Scott Institute Seed Grant awardees
Composite of headshots
A poster for the Pittsburgh Queer History Project's MS '89 screening series.
A group photo of the 2024 DASIE participants.
A close up of hands typing computer code on a keyboard.
students take selfie with rocket
A Black woman with black-framed glasses, curled hair and hoop earrings wearing a blue one-shoulder dress, gestures toward the audience while standing at a lecturn with a red Carnegie Mellon University sign attached to the front.
A sample resume for Sean McGowan, director of employer relations at Carnegie Mellon
AI-generated artwork based on favorites of visitors to the Carnegie Museum of Art