EST&P is sponsoring a new energy project course in Spring 2017

"Basics and Applications of Power Magnetic Devices" is a new engineering energy project course offered in Spring 2017; sponspored by the EST&P program and taught by Dr. Paul Ohodnicki, MSE adjunct faculty and NETL Materials Scientist: Electrochemical and Magnetic Materials Team Leader.
This course offers student access to COMSOL Multiphysics modeling and simulation software for project design and optimization.
Magnetic components play a critical role in enabling devices for a number of emerging power and energy applications including inductors, transformers, motors/generators, and sensors. For optimized design of magnetic components, an interplay between basic material properties must be considered in parallel with systems and component level designs. This course will provide a sound background in the fundamentals of soft magnetic materials and the physics required for magnetic component design. Fundamental principles will be applied to practical component-level design problems throughout the course. A final design project will leverage analytical evaluation and/or finite element analysis.
Registering for this course is strongly encouraged if you are in the EST&P-Applied Studies degree.
Course #: 39-620 / 27-620
Tuesday and Thursday | 6:00pm - 8:20pm | 12 units
Location: TBA