EST&P's Sixth Graduating Class

Eighteen students from the 2015-2016 class received their M.S. in Energy Science, Technology and Policy from Carnegie Mellon University, College of Engineering, on May 15, 2016.
An inspirtational keynote speech was delivered by an EST&P alumna, Jessica Lyman (MS '12). She spoke of her career journey post-EST&P graduation and how the path led her to land her dream job. Jessica is now a Consultant for Black & Veatch in Washington DC.
"My dream job coming out of CMU was to work at a utility – since I felt like it was the place where you could really make some measureable impacts on consumer use of energy and the composition of energy generation on our country. So while I didn’t land at my dream job right away, the path to getting to work with a utility made me a more valuable asset to the utility since I brought with me a diverse set experiences that not only effectively informed my day to day interactions with my utility client, but also in devising strategic initiatives to propose and pursue." - Lyman
Several awards and certificates were given to graduates to aknowledge their acheivements-
Academic Excellence Award and Certificate of Appreciation for GSA Representation (SU’15/Fall '15): Sakshi Mishra
Outstanding Service and Leadership Award: Uroš Simović
Certificate of Appreciation for GSA Representation (Fall '15/Spring '16): Daniel Noriega Perdomo
Photographs from the event can be found on ShutterFly.
Congratualtions to all of the 2016 EST&P graduates!