Alumni Spotlights
By Nicole Rihn
We are proud to be connected with over 70% of our alumni from the EST&P program on LinkedIn. We have been enjoying getting real time updates on everyone’s exciting accomplishments as energy leaders.
Here are some highlights collected directly from our alumni or from their LinkedIn posts. If we missed any that you would like to share, reach out to us directly.
Adrielle Cailipan
Was a part of a prestigious group of HABs (harmful algal blooms) researchers that recently published a paper in the journal, Harmful Algae, titled, Domoic acid production by Pseudo-nitzschia australis: Re-evaluating the role of macronutrient limitation on toxigenicity.
Ansh Nasta
Latest report, Designs for Net-Zero Energy Systems: Meta-Analysis of U.S. Economy-Wide Decarbonization Studies (“Meta NZ”). His report included contributions from CMU’s Michael Blackhurst, Paulina Jaramillo and Katie Jordan.
Carlos Marin
Participated as a speaker in a panel, organized by ANESE, dedicated to energy efficiency and CAE (Energy Saving Certificates), which is part of the program of the 1st Congress of "Decarbonization and sustainability" organized by and which will take place at the School of Industrial Engineering of Madrid.
Isabella Solari Irribarra
Was a panelist in the Technical Talk "Real-Time Control and Operation Centers: The Challenges of the Energy Transition" at THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF ACERA
Alexandra Kramer
Her first time attending the 2023 The Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change Conference (BECC). She helped lead solution sessions at the conference on developing models for increasing contractor adoption of high performance building technology adoption.
Mehmet Kürkçü
Represented Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA) in the highly recognized Flame conference in the city of Amsterdam. He also attended ERRA’s gathering of its member regulators from MENA regions and Africa in Istanbul.
Daksha Bopanna
One of the leaders who started the WRISE (Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy) Pittsburgh chapter.
Sakshi Mishra
Was nominated for the WomenTech Network Global Awards 2023 in AI & Data Science Leader of the Year Award.
Pranav Gupta
At his company, ICF, his team won the Impact Innovation award for developing the DER Insight tool. DER Insight (Distributed Energy Resources Insight) is a demand-side management platform for utilities that supports electrification and equity initiatives, analyzes the impact of DERs on the distribution grid, and orchestrates multiple DER assets.) He also won the Rookie of the Year award.
Dhroovaa Khannan
Was a Clean Energy Leadership Institute 2023 Fellow for Washington D.C. area.
Ansh Nasta
He presented his team’s new Meta NZ report at the United States Association for Energy Economics North American Conference.
Jessica Lyman Browne
Her and her team at Global Advisory - Black & Veatch presented at Itron, Inc.'s 2023 Itron Inspire conference to share insights about where the industry is now with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and lessons learned from a key case study on sharing electric and gas networks.
Anirudh Kshemendranath
He delivered a talk on "Assessing Canada's Competitiveness in the Long Duration Energy Storage Space" at CanREA's Electricity Transformation Canada Conference in Calgary.
Conference Attendance
Sagar Bharadwaj
Attended RE+ 2023.
Larissa Ramírez
Sat at Ascend Analytics booth at the Intersolar North America conference and chatted about the role of the energy transition in power markets.