Daniel Hochman (M.S. '14)
EST&P alum Daniel Hochman is the Pilot Manager for Sealed, an energy efficiency company in New York City. One of the main reasons home owners are hesitant to install energy efficient equipment is they don’t trust that it will result in savings. Sealed offers a contractual guarantee that they will save on their home.
Dan was the only member of his graduating class that did not have an undergraduate degree in engineering. Majoring in Political Science and Minoring in Entrepreneurship at Johns Hopkins University, he sought out the EST&P degree with an Engineering and Public Policy disciplinary concentration, with the goal of being able to speak more technically with engineers. “I loved the breadth of coursework. I learned so much by being surrounded by people from different disciplines and I think a lot of the engineers learned from me as well,” he said. “It was difficult, but worth it.”
During his time at EST&P, Dan was an active student on campus. He was involved in student government and helped organize EST&P’s annual career symposium. He was also involved in an energy and behavior research group which looked at how homeowners and businesses energy efficiency psychologically, with the goal of identifying major inhibitors for achieving this in the Pittsburgh region. Dan recommends that future EST&P students take advantage of the funding offered for supplementary activities. “There’s definitely a huge benefit from getting to know people outside of the classrooms.”
Sealed announced a groundbreaking partnership with National Grid to utilize our guaranteed savings and billing technology to improve efficiency and comfort for utility customers. Dan states, "EST&P helped me to help Sealed to get where we are, so thank you all!"