Carnegie Mellon University
March 13, 2024

CMU Launches New Quantum Track for Physics

By Ann Lyon Ritchie

Heidi Opdyke
  • Interim Director of Communications, MCS

Claire Gist’s great love for physics has expanded Carnegie Mellon University’s offerings for the smallest of scales. The Department of Physics has added quantum physics to the list of optional tracks for undergraduate physics majors wanting to study the most fundamental elements of matter.

Gist, a junior physics major, first became interested in quantum physics in middle school. In high school, she completed an independent project on quantum mechanics and developed a guide on quantum cryptography, looking at cybersecurity through the lens of quantum computing.

“Looking at CMU’s course catalog, I happily came here because of the opportunities in quantum physics. Once I was here, I saw that there was untapped potential for giving more students the opportunity to explore quantum physics research,” Gist said.

Physics Department Head and Professor Scott Dodelson encouraged Gist to propose a new track through the department’s steering committee, which provides students opportunities to discuss and offer feedback on academic and nonacademic aspects of the department.

“Recent discoveries in the world of quantum physics are driving optimism about the technologies of the future. Our students are excited to be learning about these areas from which future technologies could emerge,” Dodelson said.

Quantum physics as discovered 100 years ago underlies the most compelling technologies of today, from lasers and semi-conductors to powerful microscopes and magnetic resonance imaging. The Second Quantum Revolution has identified new regimes that may give birth to new technologies such as quantum materials, devices and computing.

“With the steering committee working together, it all fell into place,” Gist said. “The track is suitable for broad career interests whether students want to pursue a job after graduating or graduate school.”

The track courses include Advanced Quantum Physics I and II, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Theory, a research course and STEM electives. There also is a course option in nuclear and particle physics, solid-state physics, or nanoscience and nanotechnology. Students gain experiential learning in addition to traditional coursework.

“We are requiring undergraduate research related to quantum physics as part of the track. Students can satisfy this requirement through computational, theoretical, or experimental research under the supervision of a member of our faculty,” said Gillian Ryan, the director of undergraduate affairs and an associate teaching professor of physics.

Some learning and networking opportunities stem from the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute (PQI), a collaboration between Carnegie Mellon, the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University that aims to advance research, education and training in quantum information science and engineering. CMU’s Benjamin Hunt, an associate professor of physics, was recently named the PQI co-director.

Ryan said she foresees a growing demand for students with a background in quantum physics. Recent alumni have gone on to quantum physics careers such as a 2023 graduate hired in quantum sensing at Opto-Atomics Corp and others continuing graduate studies in related topics at Brown University, Stanford University, University of Chicago and University of Texas at Austin.

The track offers a balance of theoretical and applied classes. For students who complete the track, quantum physics will appear as an area of focus on their transcripts.

In addition to quantum physics, the department also offers tracks in applied physics, astrophysics, biological physics, chemical physics and computational physics to give students the opportunity to customize their programs with a focus in an area of interest. Physics majors are not required to select a track.

The new quantum physics track is launching just ahead of a centennial marking 100 years since pioneers Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger wrote the foundational equations of quantum mechanics in 1925.

“The technology we use daily is based on quantum mechanics that was discovered 100 years ago,” Dodelson said, “What the world is going to look like in another hundred years is very likely going to be shaped by the discoveries that we’re making today. We want our students to get in on the ground floor.”