Carnegie Mellon University

Edward Tian

Edward Tian

Class of 2025


Edward (Yuyang) Tian is a mathematical virtuoso, passionately fusing computational and mathematical rigor with practical finance applications. Graduating summa cum laude from the University of Chicago, he established a broad and deep foundation in Computational and Applied Math and Economics. As a quantitative trading intern at Abama Asset Management Company, Edward sharpened his technical expertise and gained valuable insights into market dynamics, further complemented by his involvement in a capstone trading project and the econometrics game at UChicago. In addition to his finance-oriented endeavors, Edward has demonstrated robust analytical and collaborative competencies in his various research projects. Notably, at Argonne National Laboratory, he tackled an innovative algorithm and worked with massive datasets, underscoring his preparedness for algorithmic and data-driven roles in the industry. As he advances in the MSCF program, Edward is keen to refine his quantitative aptitude and finance acumen and navigate a trajectory in quantitative trading or research.