Carnegie Mellon University

Arthur Sauder

Arthur Sauder

Class of 2024


After 3 years of Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles (CPGE), during which Arthur took courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science, he entered CentraleSupélec in 2019 to follow a Master of Engineering. During his studies, he interned at the Financial Direction of the Crédit Agricole de Lorraine, where he worked on the automation of the performance analysis of a bond fund. Prior to joining the MSCF program as part of a double degree with CentraleSupélec, Arthur took a gap year to gain experience in trading. He first started working at Société Générale Corporate and Investment Banking on the collateral trading desk before leaving France for Hong Kong, where he worked as a quantitative trader for Millennium Management, doing index arbitrage on European and Asian markets. Upon graduation, he plans to pursue a career in quantitative trading and portfolio management.