Carnegie Mellon University

Forms by Name

Form Name Description Updated
1099-Misc Withholding Exemption Certificate [.pdf] Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Form REV-1832 See Form
9 over 12 Month Pay Election Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to begin receiving academic salary pro rata over a 12 month period instead of 9 months. 10/3/2023
Accounts Payable Copy Site Form [.pdf]

The purpose of this form is to submit a request to copy a supplier site to a new ledger.

Accounts Payable Deposit Form [.pdf]

The purpose of this form is to deposit a check, money order, or cash back to a payment processed by Accounts Payable (AP).


Accounts Payable Employee Expense Direct Deposit Form [.docx]

The purpose of this form is to set up bank account information for direct deposit of employee expense reimbursements. This form is not for
payroll deposits.

Note: This is the Word version that is available for accessibility purposes. Original form is available in PDF


Accounts Payable Employee Expense Direct Deposit Form [.pdf]

The purpose of this form is to set up bank account information for direct deposit of employee expense reimbursements. This form is not for
payroll deposits.

Note: This form is also available in Word for accessibility purposes. 

Accounts Payable Human Subject Participant/Principal Investigator Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to obtain funds to issue human subject cash payments or to pay a human subject directly. 4/29/2024
Accounts Payable Non-Employee Gift Form [.pdf] To report a non-cash gift greater than $75 USD and any cash gift, including gift certificates/cards (regardless of the dollar amount) for a non-employee, which are subject to tax reporting.  8/31/2023
Accounts Payable Non-Employee Prize Award Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to report a prize/award for a non-employee. 8/31/2023
Accounts Payable Non-Qualified Scholarship In Kind Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to report an in kind non-qualified scholarship or fellowship that was provided to a student. 1/11/2024
Accounts Payable Non-Qualified Scholarship Payment Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to process the payment of non-qualified scholarship or fellowship to a student. 8/31/2023
Accounts Payable Petty Cash Payment Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to record, reconcile, report, and/or request replenishment of petty cash funds (for amounts under $25 USD) 1/16/2024
Accounts Payable Redistribution Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to correct charge strings on accounts payable invoices, expense reports and PCard transactions that have been paid. 2/1/2024
Accounts Payable Request for Payment/Refund Form [.pdf]

The purpose of this form is to:

  • Authorize payments, such as payments to the Department of Homeland Security for security checks,
    tax payments, and city and/or county permits.
  • Authorize payments to reimburse individuals for funds that were paid to the university.

Accounts Payable Supplier Electronic Funds Transfer Form [.docx]

The purpose of this form is to offer payment options in US dollars as well as in campus local currencies to its international suppliers that wish to receive payment for goods and services through electronic funds transfer.

Note: This is the Word verison that is available for accessbility purposes. Original form is available in PDF.


Accounts Payable Supplier Electronic Funds Transfer Form [.pdf]

The purpose of this form is to offer payment options in US dollars as well as in campus local currencies to its international suppliers that wish to receive payment for goods and services through electronic funds transfer.

Note: This form is also available in Word for accessibility purposes. 

Accounts Payable Travel Advance Payment Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to obtain a travel advance for authorized university related business travel expenses for employees. 1/16/2024
Accounts Receivable Redistribution [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to correct general ledger account strings on cash or check deposits. 12/12/2023
Activity Pay Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request an activity pay to be initiated through the HR Service Center. 10/3/2023
Administrative Fee Divisional Cost Sharing [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to identify revenues or gifts where the division will be cost sharing the Administrative Fee.  Do not use this form for cost sharing of sponsored non-federal awards. 12/12/2023
Administrative Fee Exception Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request an Administrative Fee exception. 12/12/2023
Agency Funding Sources Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request a new agency funding source. 2/5/2024
Authorization for Off-Campus Use of Movable Assets [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to report a capital asset which is the property of Carnegie Mellon but used in a location not owned or leased by
Carnegie Mellon.
Billing Inquiry [.pdf]

This form is used by purchasing cardholders to dispute a charge that is reflected on their purchasing card account statement.

Business & Travel Expense Policy Exception Authorization [.pdf] Use this form in advance of a trip or expense when requesting an upgrade or exception to the Business and Travel Expense policy. 1/22/2024
Buyer Actions Matrix & Guide [.pdf] Describes buyer actions based on the type of funding, supplier, and dollar amount. 10/21/2022
Card Exception/Limit Change Request Form via Online Forms System The purpose of this form is to request an exception to university card policy.  1/4/2019
Card Request Form via Online Forms System The purpose of this form is to request a new university card, change information on an existing card, or close an existing card.  1/4/2019

Change Default Expense Report String Form via Online Forms System

Use this form to change a default string shown on expense report GL allocations. 3/14/2016
Communication Allowance Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request a communication allowance for a domestic employee who has a business need for this allowance 11/27/2023

Core Access Request Form via Online Forms System

Use this form to add or remove Oracle and/or Financial Data Warehouse access. 3/14/2016
Credit Memo Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to remove or reverse non-sponsored and non-gift related accounts receivable and revenue amounts previously invoiced. 1/11/2024

Delegate Access Request Form via Online Forms System

Use this form to add or remove Oracle delegate access. 3/14/2016
Disposition of Movable Assets Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to report and approve assets that are to be disposed. 1/16/2024
Donation Routing Form [.pdf]

This form is for internal department use only and can be used for all donations.

eCommerce Creation Request Form [.pdf] This form must be completed and approved before accepting credit card payments via Cashnet eMarket. 12/12/2023
eCommerce Updates Request Form [.pdf] This form must be completed and approved before accepting credit card payments via Cashnet eMarket. 12/12/2023
Employee Cardholder Agreement via Online Forms System All cardholders are required to sign the Employee Cardholder Agreement, which states that you understand the obligations outlined in the form and those set forth in the university's purchasing policies, and that you agree to comply with these obligations when using the university card. 1/14/2019
Employee Gift Processing Form [.pdf] This form is to be used when an employee receives a non-cash gift greater than $75 and any cash gift, including gift certificates/cards (regardless of the dollar amount). 1/18/2024

Employee/Former Employee Request
Form for Verification of Employment [.pdf]

This form is required for current or former CMU employees to request a letter verifying their employment at CMU. 12/21/2023
Entity Request/Change Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to change or request a new Entity for the Oracle Chart of Accounts. 12/12/2023
Equipment Screening Report [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to document the certification of screening a federally funded asset costing $100,000 or more. 1/16/2024
Equipment Transfer Request [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to report and approve assets that are to be transferred to another institution. 1/16/2024
Expense Report - Taxable Reimbursement [.pdf] Use this form when reporting expenses being reimbursed via an expense report that are not in compliance with the university’s Business & Travel Expense Policy. 12/19/2023
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Information Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to collect information required to report in compliance with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006. 11/27/2023
Feeder Cost Transfer Form [.pdf]

The purpose of this form is to correct accounts on feeder transactions.

Financial Service Receipt [.xls]

The purpose of this form is to provide information for all deposits via cash, check, or credit card. The FSR form must accompany cash deposits, check deposits or credit card settlements.


Foreign Assignee State
Withholding Adjustment Form
(Pennsylvania Only) [.pdf]

This form is to be completed by a US expatriate on a foreign assignment at a Carnegie Mellon University campus. This form will validate the appropriate state tax withholdings to be deducted from your paycheck. You should seek advice from your tax consultant and ensure your address in Workday correctly reflects your tax residency before you complete this form. 1/16/2024
Foreign National Information Form for Non-employees [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request treaty benefits for payments made to foreign nationals receiving U.S. sourced income. 9/12/2023
Foreign National Information System (FNIS) Access Request [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request access to the Foreign National Information System (FNIS) to complete the required treaty and immigration information online. 1/11/2024
Foreign Source Income Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to report payments made (either through the CMUWorks Service Center or Accounts Payable) to foreign nationals providing services outside of the United States. 1/16/2024
Function Request/Change Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to change or request a new Function for the Oracle Chart of Accounts. 12/12/2023

GL Approver Change Form via Online Forms System

Use this form to change the existing journal entry approver(s) for a preparer. 3/14/2016

GL Approval Request Form via Online Forms System

Use this form to change journal entry approval authority. 3/14/2016
Honorarium Payment Form [.docx]

Use only once the Honorarium Payment Form is submitted to request payment.

Human Subjects Reconciliation Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to properly account for funds relating to the disbursements of human subject payments. 1/16/2024
Independent Contractor Checklist [.pdf] If you are considering hiring an Independent Contractor (IC), please complete the checklist to ensure that the potential hire is in fact an IC and not an employee. 2/26/2024
Internal Award Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request a new internal award or change an existing award. 12/12/2023
International InterCompany Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to record transactions that need allocated between the US Ledger and the International Ledgers (Qatar - Entitie 68 & 73) & (Australia - Entity 70), that can NOT be processed through an Accounts Payable Redistribution of Feeder System Process. 12/14/2023
International Mailing & Shipping Checklist [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to assist CMU-Qatar employees with internationally transporting business and personal items to Qatar. 8/31/2018
International Travel Registration Form - Non-Qatar Travel [.pdf] This form is used to gather information about individuals traveling for CMU business purposes. ITRF provides pertinent information for Risk Management and Human Resources regarding each traveler’s relationship with the university to ensure that insurance benefits and coverage are in place for faculty, staff, and students traveling abroad. Updated by Human Resources
Invoice Requisition [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to invoice for non-sponsored and non-gift related activity. 1/11/2024
Location Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request the creation, disabling, or adjustment of a location for purchase order shipments. 12/21/2023
Missing Receipt Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to report a missing receipt that is required to be provided according to the university's Business and Travel Expense Policy and Purchasing Policy. 1/11/2024
Non-CMU Use of Movable Equipment/Furniture [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to report movable equipment or furniture being used in a room owned or leased by Carnegie Mellon but is the property of the owner noted on the form. 1/16/2024

Non-Employee Expense Report

(authorization required to be a preparer)

**Access to NEER form functionality as a preparer is granted via ALG member requests to the Business Systems Help Desk at** Use this form to request reimbursement of travel or non-travel business expenses incurred on behalf of the university. 09/3/2024
Object Code Request Form via Online Forms System The purpose of this form is to change or request a new Object Code for the Oracle Chart of Accounts. 1/23/2017
Off-Cycle Payment Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request an off-cycle payment when an individual was not paid or was not paid correctly on the
regularly scheduled pay date.
One Time Payment Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request a one time payment to be initiated through the HR Service Center. 10/3/2023
Organization Request Form via Online Forms System The purpose of this form is to change or request a new Organization for the Oracle Chart of Accounts. 1/23/2017

PO Approval Access Request Form via Online Forms System

Use this form to change purchase order approval authority. 3/14/2016
Purchase Order Terms & Conditions [.pdf] A copy of the university's purchase order terms and conditions as referenced on the purchase order. 1/25/2024
Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form [.xlsm] To comply with University Purchasing Policy and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), completion of this form is required for all Purchasing Card and Purchase Order (PO) transactions between $5,001 and $149,999 USD with a non-preferred supplier. All purchases $150,000 USD and above regardless of the source of funds or type of supplier utilized, require completion of this form. 11/17/2022
Qatar Campus International Travel Registration Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to provide pertinent information for International Finance, Risk Management, and Human Resources to arrange travel to CMU-Q campus, obtain correct VISAs and to ensure insurance benefits / coverages are in effect for all university faculty, staff, and students traveling to the Qatar campus. 12/14/2023
Qatar Employee Authorization for Direct Deposit in QAR [.pdf]

This form must be completed to receive direct deposit of your pay. Please list all accounts to which you would like your pay distributed.

Qatar Employee Authorization for Direct Deposit in USD [.pdf] This form must be completed to receive direct deposit of your pay. Please list all accounts to which you would like your pay distributed. 11/27/2023
Request for Oracle Currency [.pdf] This form must be completed to request the establishment for use of a new foreign currency that is not resident within Oracle. 12/14/2023
Retro Time Entry Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request payment of hours for a non-exempt employee that have not already been paid for a period that occurred six months or more from the current pay period. This form is not to be used for time entry less than six months old,
and is not intended to be an alternative to submitting time in Workday by the applicable posted deadlines.
Sale of University Property Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to account for the sale of university owned property. 1/16/2024
Shared Use Agreement [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to document the agreement of sharing a capital asset when a similar capital asset is available for shared use. 1/16/2024

Signing Limits Request Form via Online Forms System

Use this form to add or remove approval authority for Oracle expense reports. 3/14/2016
Supplier Conflict of Interest and Compliance Certification Form [.pdf] The certification is required for suppliers providing certain services. 11/27/2023
Under-Recovered Overhead
Exception Request [.pdf]
This form should be used to request an exception to the under-recovered overhead process. 2/15/2024
USD Qatar Net Pay Split Currency Designation Form [.pdf] This form is to be used by CMU employees working in Qatar and being paid in US dollars to designate up to 50% of the employee's USD net pay be paid to the employee's Qatar bank account in Qatari Riyals. 11/27/2023
W-2/1042-S Replacement Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request a replacement Form W-2 or Form 1042-S.  11/27/2023
W-8-BEN [.pdf] IRS Form See Form
W-8BEN-E [.pdf] IRS Form See Form
W-8-ECI [.pdf] IRS Form See Form
W-8-EXP [.pdf] IRS Form See Form
W-9 [.pdf] IRS Form See Form
Wire Transfer Request Form [.pdf] The purpose of this form is to request an outgoing wire transfer. 1/16/2024