Carnegie Mellon University
October 18, 2022

Karplus and Whitefoot named as Scott Institute Energy Fellows

Engineering and Public Policy Associate Professors Valerie Karplus and Katie Whitefoot were named to the 2022 class of Scott Institute Energy Fellows. The Scott Institute Energy Fellows Program incentivizes, promotes and rewards Carnegie Mellon University's most dedicated tenure track energy faculty. Each fellow receives yearly funding and resources from the Scott Institute.

Valerie Karplus
Valerie J. Karplus is an Associate Professor in the department of Engineering and Public Policy.

 Karplus studies resource and environmental management in organizations operating in diverse national and industry contexts, with a focus on the role of institutions and management practices in explaining performance. Areas of expertise include regional approaches to low carbon transition, decarbonization of global corporate supply chains, and the integrated design and evaluation of energy, air quality, and climate policies. Karplus has taught courses on public policy analysis, global business strategy and organization, entrepreneurship, and the political economy of energy transitions. At CMU, she runs the Laboratory for Energy and Organizations at the CMU Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation. Karplus is an affiliate of the Scott Energy Institute. She previously served on the faculty at the MIT Sloan School of Management. From 2011-2016, she directed the MIT-Tsinghua China Energy and Climate Project.

Katie Whitefoot
Katie S. Whitefoot is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. She is a member of the NextManufacturing Center for additive manufacturing research and a Faculty Affiliate at the Carnegie Mellon Scott Institute for Energy Innovation. Prior to her current position, she served as a Senior Program Officer and the Robert A. Pritzker fellow at the National Academy of Engineering where she directed the Academy’s Manufacturing, Design, and Innovation program. 
Whitefoot’s research informs the design and manufacture of energy efficient and low-carbon products and processes for improved adoption in the marketplace. Her areas of expertise include vehicle fuel efficiency, consumer choice, design and adoption of green products, energy-efficient and productive manufacturing, and energy and environmental policies.