Carnegie Mellon University

Aidan McIndoe

Class of 2026
BS in Economics and Statistics
Hometown: Washington, D.C.



Aidan is interested in using community engagement to solve environmental challenges. He saw this link firsthand when assisting an environmental nonprofit working to stop toxic chemicals from leaching into a local river. Ultimately, the nonprofit organized the voices of local residents to help move legislation, successfully forcing clean-up efforts. This experience taught Aidan that achieving results in a community requires tremendous organizational support, including research, strategy, scheduling, and funding. So, he is passionate about helping organizations and communities move from slogans to results.

Using his background in economics and statistics, Aidan plans to pursue opportunities where he can help communities organize to find lasting solutions to environmental and social problems. Being a Community Fellowship member has allowed Aidan to share his passion for change with like-minded CMU students and learn from their ideas and experiences.