Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Kaycee Palko

Kaycee Palko

Academic Program Advisor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

I have worked at CMU Since 2006

I am the Academic Advising team for sophomores, juniors, seniors, and MS students within ECE.

During my term, I would like to see Staff Council continue to grow and bring staff issues, concerns, and ideas front and center to the various administrators across campus. I can help make this happen by continuing to keep staff informed about what Staff Council is working on and encouraging Staff Council to create opportunities throughout the year where staff can gather to voice their feedback.

I am currently a Staff Council At-Large Representative and running for re-election. I am the current Chair for the Communications Committee that helps to update the website, create and send out the monthly Staff Voice, and update social media. In the past, I have served as the Chair of the Rewards & Recognition Committee and Staff Council Treasurer (two different terms).